Gajim - 2023-08-27

  1. clown

    How do I do iq requests with python-nbxmpp? In nbxmpp and gajim source code it seems to always involve @iq_request_task , can I do without that and just get a callback?

  2. nicoco

    Can I follow [1] in reverse if I want to ditch flatpak and get back to the debian bookworm-backport version of gajim, or is there a reason not to? Basically, `mv ~/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/data/gajim ~/.local/share/; mv ~/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/config/gajim ~/.config` [1]

  3. nicoco

    Can I follow [1] in reverse if I want to ditch flatpak and get back to the debian bookworm-backport version of gajim, or is there a reason not to? Basically, `mv ~/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/data/gajim ~/.local/share/; mv ~/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/config/gajim ~/.config` [1]

  4. kurion

    could you please explalin why it was needed to set selection mode to None in omemo_trust_manager.TrustPopover?

  5. kurion

    as far as I've seen, selection modes of most listboxes are primarily set to None in Gajim. Why is that?

  6. hannibal

    nicoco: yes, but maybe keep a backup, just in case

  7. nicoco

    hannibal: thanks! yeah, `cp` instead of `mv` sounds like a good idea :)

  8. nicoco

    Reporting back, it looks OK and drag'n'drop for attachments works! Yeehaa! It seems that the avatar cache did not make it but I guess that's expected? They slowly appear, some MUCs still haven't got any it seems, (maybe it's just coming in slowly, I have quite a lot of MUCs)

  9. fjklp

    nicoco: would you have any interest in a script that generates an index to gajim downloads so that you can view them by chat?

  10. fjklp

    I have one mostly finished written in bash

  11. hannibal

    nicoco: you haven't copied, that's why it is missing

  12. nicoco

    fjklp: why not, share along :). but I think having per-chat subfolders would be more practical. the use cases is that I often receive a batch of pictures, and since my image viewer has a "next" button it would make browsing the batch nicer

  13. nicoco

    hannibal: yeah I figured. thanks for your help. they all seem back now.

  14. kurion

    I have enabled all the sounds in sound settings.

  15. kurion

    but when an contact goes online/offline, no sound plays.

  16. kurion

    message sent/receive sounds are working fine though

  17. asterix

    restarting xmpp server

  18. asterix

    My Gajim (1.8.0) doesn't want to join several MUCs. It sens a disco#info query, never gets a rely, so don't join. Any idea?

  19. asterix

    I was able to join prosody MUC before the restart, and now I'm not :/

  20. astanad_

    yesterday i've used account and i tried to connect to this gajim room but i got server-to-server connection failed so i switched to server and now it works

  21. astanad_

    iam using gajim 1.8.1 !!

  22. nicoco

    devs: the msg from Kev (13:01) in the XSF MUC triggered a weird rendering bug for me

  23. nicoco

  24. nicoco

    instead of having *is* bold, only the s is bold, along with the r from the next word

  25. astanad_

    Guys iam trying to build Gajim from source ! but it ask me for username and password when i type this command : git clone

  26. astanad_

    why ?

  27. kurion

    astanad_: try cloning

  28. astanad_

    kurion, now it works ! thanks !

  29. kurion

    you're welcome

  30. loveicq

    ICQ is cool

  31. astanad_

    loveicq, is there any opensource messaging program use icq protocol ? except pidgin ?

  32. loveicq

    astanad_: any other libpurple frontends which can make use of icyque?

  33. loveicq

    There is also some opensource OSCAR server compatible with legacy clients.

  34. astanad_

    loveicq, omg plz give me links !

  35. loveicq


  36. astanad_

    loveicq, its a private server like escargot msn ? right ?

  37. loveicq

    astanad_: yup, what else can still exist for OSCAR clients?

  38. jstein

    Hi, should a video conference between Gajim 1.8.1 and Conversation work currently, or is this still under development?

  39. meson

    jstein: no and no

  40. meson

    No one is currently working on it

  41. jstein

    is there a simple explanation, why this will not work soon? Are these missing codecs or simply no manpower for coding?

  42. Kris

    contributors needed

  43. meson

    jstein: it requires implementing a lot of things, so it's time comsuming

  44. jstein

    ok. I see

  45. meson

    jstein: it requires implementing a lot of things, so it's time consuming

  46. jstein

    Which client on iPhones works best together with Gajim on Linux desktop?

  47. meson

    Can't tell which works best, but Siskin and Monal are often recommended for iOS

  48. bodqhrohro

  49. bodqhrohro

    opal: scrollbars in Gtk4 seem to be borked indeed, no scrollbar buttons anymore.

  50. bodqhrohro

    I wonder how much did the theme authors mess with it though, for a while it was believed scrollbars (or progressbars?) in GTK+3.20 cannot be reverted to an old view too. Maybe it needs some custom module or patch.

  51. bodqhrohro

    I already have GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=1, but it only affects the scrollbars being displayed all the time, not their look and behaviour; all the rest seems to be set by the theme.

  52. Tristan Brice Velloza Kildaire


  53. jstein

    Tristan Brice Velloza Kildaire, works

  54. Tristan Brice Velloza Kildaire
