Gajim - 2023-08-25

  1. PMR

    possibly odd question, but will gajim ever have proper streaming 1-1 support for person to person or even in groups?

  2. opal

    streaming of...?

  3. PMR

    Anything, a browser window or a game maybe

  4. PMR

    maybe streaming is the wrong word, broadcasting

  5. PMR

    or sharing

  6. QStambaugh

    Oh, you mean screen sharing

  7. opal


  8. PMR


  9. bodqhrohro

    I finally found a well-polished GTK+3 theme which modern Gajim looks nice with, hehe:

  10. bodqhrohro

    Hehe, joined this MUC from another JID and now Gajim refuses to display the history here.

  11. bodqhrohro

    And the outgoing messages go to another chat tab. Seems like Gajim confuses them now as I joined with the same nick.

  12. bodqhrohro

    (was surprised GTK+3 still allows to reorder scrollbar buttons, BTW)

  13. bodqhrohro

  14. bodqhrohro

    I suppose it's a side effect of virtualizing the chat view instead of keeping separate widgets for every chat tab and switching them?

  15. bodqhrohro

    This one is nice too.

  16. bodqhrohro

  17. bodqhrohro

    Notice the carved timestamps especially, pretty nice.

  18. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    > yes That requires moderning the call capabilities of gajim first. maybe it can be done after though

  19. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    i would like to replace jitsi with gajim for that too

  20. opal

    bodqhrohro, youre making me miss scrollbars :<

  21. bodqhrohro

    opal: it makes me want to sit right down and cry, cry, cry, yeah!

  22. swilson

    Hopefully an easy question. How do you change the description (or topic, or whatever it is called) or a room? IIRC in pidgin it was just '/topic <new description'

  23. zak

    swilson: Should be possible with one af the buttons and the room settings at the right of the text entry field.

  24. zak

    I accidentally corrupted my Gajim history db file: `sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed`. Is there a convenient way to repair it without using a third-party sqlite database tool?

  25. bodqhrohro

    zak: why would you even expect a non-UNIX-way way to repair it?

  26. zak

    Because sometimes I still hope that some people try to ease the usability in Linux without refering to technical solutions that only it professionals can use.

  27. zak

    And by the way this could totally happen on windows as well.

  28. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    sadly linux is still in the 70's with terminals :/

  29. bodqhrohro

    zak: there's nothing counter-usable in installing tools that do a certain task and do it well.

  30. bodqhrohro

    MSavoritias (fae,ve): I'd say it's a benefit, and GUIs are a dead end of evolution. Home appliances, voice assistants, chat bots are clearly closer to CLI than to GUI, and they are the brand new era of user interfaces. Navigating the widgets is always a pain, especially for the elderly, and instructions to make anything in GUI, being series of screenshots depending on numerous conditions and failing elsewhy, are just hilarious.

  31. bodqhrohro

    The only point where a Gajim can be wrong here is not actually _suggesting_ such a tool. Like a pre-installed package in Ubuntu does when some command is not found, but it's known what package is it in.

  32. bodqhrohro

    The only point where Gajim can be wrong here is not actually _suggesting_ such a tool. Like a pre-installed package in Ubuntu does when some command is not found, but it's known what package is it in.

  33. meson

    > I accidentally corrupted my Gajim history db file zak: how did that happen?

  34. zak

    I started Gajim from two different hosts using the same home directory. It would be nice if Gajim could just remove corrupted db entries or ignore them.

  35. bodqhrohro_

    There rather should be some kind of lock file to prevent it at all.

  36. bodqhrohro_

    Thunderbird has it, AFAIK.

  37. bodqhrohro_

    Chromium too.

  38. swilson

    Still unsure how to set a room's topic (or description or whatever). I checked out the buttons to the right of the text entry field, but that's just 'send', 'attach file' and some encryption stuff

  39. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    you click the three lines on the bottom right next to the lock

  40. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    and then click details

  41. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    then its on the manage category

  42. swilson

    I do not have three line son the bottom right next to the lock. using the windows client if that matters

  43. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    what version?

  44. swilson

    newest, installed from store yesterday But... I found it. Upper right, above list of chat room participants. inside 'Contact Details and Settings'

  45. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    ah my version is too old ^^'

  46. Kris

    Top right menu has the room settings

  47. goblinking

    Are the release tarballs signed?

  48. lovetox

    swilson, one CTRL + I

  49. lovetox

    Manage page

  50. lovetox

    goblinking, no

  51. goblinking

    Does Gajim 1.8.1 still use libsoup2??

  52. goblinking

    I've looked at closed issues and it seems it's a "distribution problem" now - but I compiled from source.

  53. lovetox

    goblinking, no

  54. goblinking

    So... does a plugin use it? Because my setup is crashing every time someone tries calling.

  55. lovetox

    calling code is mostly unmaintained, but you can report the crash log then we can look into it

  56. goblinking

    There really is not much to see, just `libsoup3 symbols detected. Using libsoup2 and libsoup3 in the same process is not supported.`

  57. goblinking

    How could I determine what, exactly, is trying to use libsoup2?

  58. opal

    ``` ~ wowaname@mahin> grep -r libsoup /usr/lib/python3.*/site-packages/gajim /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gajim/common/ # GUPnPidg uses libsoup3 which is incompatible with Gajim. /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gajim/common/ # Don’t load until Gajim is ported to libsoup3 ``` well, im out of ideas goblinking

  59. goblinking

    opal, already did that, it must be a dependency that is loading it

  60. lovetox

    yes its most likely a dependency that loads it

  61. lovetox

    we dont load it in Gajim

  62. lovetox

    package maintainers did not a good job on this libsoup3 migration

  63. goblinking

    I compiled it from source but sure.

  64. lovetox

    what did you compile?

  65. goblinking

    1.8.1 tarball, using pip install -e .

  66. goblinking

    I wish I knew how to break on loading a shared library..

  67. lovetox

    look into gdb

  68. lovetox

    it can stop the process if it crashes

  69. lovetox

    but if its only if you get called

  70. lovetox

    its most likely the farstream lib or its dependencies

  71. goblinking

    What version of farstream are you using?

  72. lovetox

    the one installed on your system

  73. goblinking

    0.2.5. And I'm using Ubuntu.

  74. goblinking

    It might be libnice, used in farstream.

  75. lovetox


  76. lovetox

    its libgssdp-1.6-0

  77. lovetox

    thats the version you need

  78. lovetox

    you probably have a lower one

  79. lovetox

    simply use the flatpak install, and dont care about all these problems

  80. lovetox

    or upgrade to the ubuntu 23

  81. goblinking

    Would using STUN instead of UpNP avoid that?

  82. goblinking

    Huh. XEP-0215 has not been implemented yet, has it? It appears Gajim errors with `'Client' object has no attribute '_stun_servers'` when you enable STUN but do not provide a server address.

  83. goblinking

  84. goblinking

    Is the sentry setup not working?

  85. cal0pteryx

    goblinking: you can't view those entries, it's restricted

  86. goblinking

    cal0pteryx, ah? the issue said not confidential, but OK.

  87. cal0pteryx

    that's unrelated

  88. goblinking

    Fair enough.

  89. goblinking

    OK I am getting the error even though I provided what I believe to be a valid STUN/TURN server address.

  90. cal0pteryx

    goblinking, it's a known issue, stun handling hasn't been re-implemented while reworking the Client class

  91. goblinking

    Is there some XMPP bot somewhere that I can use to test calls?

  92. cal0pteryx

    You can test with Dino for example

  93. goblinking

    Ah, right. Although I am not sure the outdated Dino release I am using supports A/V yet. I cannot get Vala to compile the latest releases.

  94. goblinking

    What other clients have some A/V support?

  95. goblinking

    I'm guessing Psi+ does.

  96. shka


  97. cal0pteryx

    goblinking, I think Dino also got a Flatpak release by now

  98. PMR

    > > yes > That requires moderning the call capabilities of gajim first. maybe it can be done after though ah, so its a work in progress?

  99. ابو ايمن

    السَلآْم عَلْيُكّمٌ وٍرٍحَمُةّ الله وٍبُرٍكآتُهْ

  100. Tristan Brice Velloza Kildaire


  101. QStambaugh

    astanad, lovetox

  102. QStambaugh

    asterix, lovetox

  103. opal

    mashallah ابو ايمن

  104. clown

    Please don't explode

  105. opal

    you *are* a clown