Gajim - 2023-08-22

  1. kurion

    I have added a tagging system for contacts. Like when adding a contact, I can set some tags like friend, family, tokyo etc.

  2. kurion

    So I need a menu item in get_roster_menu that wil let me edit these tags in a form/dialog.

  3. kurion

    I added the menu item in

  4. kurion

    following `(_('_Details'), f'app.{account}-contact-info', value)`, I added `(_('_Edit tags…'), f'app.{account}-edit-nickname-and-tags', value),`

  5. kurion

    following `(_('_Details'), f'app.{account}-contact-info', value)`, I added `(_('_Edit tags…'), f'app.{account}-edit-tags', value),`

  6. kurion

    added an entry in `_connect_actions` method in `(f'{self._account}-edit-tags', self._on_edit_tags),`

  7. kurion

    but at runtime, an AssertionError is raised on line: `action =`

  8. kurion

    I think I need to add the methods details somewhere else too to make this {account} action notation work.

  9. kurion

    But I am having a hard time finding how to make this work. Please help.

  10. kurion

    I added an entry to ACCOUNT_ACTIONS constant: ` ('edit-nickname-and-tags', 's'),`

  11. kurion

    the menu appears but is greyed out

  12. kurion

    where does lookup_action look for an action?

  13. cal0pteryx

    Hi! Where is the correct format for omemo-sid-* QR codes specified? I'm wondering if the trust URI needs a "message" component:

  14. cal0pteryx

    kurion, you know that roster "groups" act as tags in XMPP ?

  15. cal0pteryx

    you can already set groups for each of your contacts

  16. menel

    I think Daniel just made them up and everyone does what conversations does

  17. kurion

    cal0pteryx: I didn't know it.

  18. kurion

    I decided to implement a tagging system for contacts that is account agnostic and is searchable from start_chat dialog.

  19. kurion

    I am missing an all-including-roster so bad. (like in 1.3.x)

  20. kurion

    so I am making the start_chat dialog as a _just enough_ roster.

  21. kurion

    so I am making the start_chat dialog as a _just_enough_ roster.

  22. kurion

    so I am turning the start_chat dialog into a _just_enough_ roster.

  23. kurion

    that will have context menu for the ContactRows.

  24. cal0pteryx

    kurion: you could display roster groups as tags within StartChat easily

  25. kurion

    Good to know.

  26. kurion

    how to make the text searchable?

  27. kurion

    how to make the tags searchable?

  28. kurion

    I guess will have to add something to get_search_text.

  29. kurion

    for now, I have implemented a PoC for the tagging system I was thinking of.

  30. kurion

    I have made changes so that roster menu for contacts appear when Gdk.KEY_Menu button is clicked on a ContactRow in

  31. kurion

    I have made changes so that roster menu for contacts appear when Gdk.KEY_Menu button is pressed on a ContactRow in

  32. kurion

    I need to add a menu item to the roster menu to open a dialog that will let the user edit the tags/group of the contact.

  33. kurion

    I need to add a menu item to the roster menu to open a dialog that will let the user edit the tags/group of the contact easy and fast.

  34. kurion

    this easy access is necessary for my blind friend.

  35. kurion

    I added the menu item I wanted and wrote a demo handler for that item

  36. kurion

    but the item appears greyed out in the roster menu.

  37. kurion

    previously seen AssertionError is not there anymore.

  38. kurion

    I am kinda sure that I am missing something in the mechanism of GAction usage of Gajim.

  39. kurion

    Could you please give me some hints why my new menu item is greyed out?

  40. kurion

    If I can fix it, it will be a good UX improvement for my friend (also me)

  41. robertoo

    Element is a horrible client. I'd argue that one of the biggest XMPP advantages is its clients though. It's also kind of weird to say XMPP has a marketing or SEO problem since it's not a company. It has no marketing or SEO.

  42. Kris

    Xmpp needs a better web client even though I agree that Element while looking nicely is pretty bad in many usability aspects.

  43. Kris might fill that niche later this year though.

  44. robertoo

    Kris, is Movim bad?

  45. Kris

    No but it's main focus is on the blogging aspect and self-hosting is a bit complicated.

  46. meson

    Prose looks sleek. It's pretty new?

  47. Kris

    Still work in progress yes

  48. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    Element has bad accessibility also.

  49. menel

    I think conversejs is good, for non puwer users. With a lot of huge groups and many many contacts it's crowded and slow, but if that's not the case it's quite nice.

  50. meson

    Q: Will Prose be usable as a 'normal' XMPP client? The screenshot or mockup displays things lilke 'team members' and such. So will it really an alternative to ConverseJS or something complementary?

  51. meson

    Q: Will Prose be usable as a 'normal' XMPP client? The screenshot or mockup displays things lilke 'team members' and such. So will it really be an alternative to ConverseJS or something complementary?

  52. robertoo

    menel, I think movim is better suited to non power users at this point.

  53. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    it seems like a slack thing yeah meson

  54. Kris

    meson: not fully known, but it seems like it is supposed to function as a fully standards compliant xmpp client.

  55. Kris

    Team members is a thing in conversejs as well

  56. Kris

    Shared rosters

  57. Deide

    robertoo, Element is a fine client as far as web clients go. Lots of nice-to-have features like encryption, image/audio/video embeds including stickers and voice messages, Markdown and LaTeX rendering, voice/video calls including conference calls that aren't just Jitsi now.

  58. Deide

    There are replies and reactions, along with threads.

  59. Deide

    Its main downside is the lacklustre performance - both the client itself and the Matrix protocol sometimes.

  60. Deide

    But there's Element-Android, Element-Web and Element-Desktop (which is really just Element-Web). And all work to a reasonable degree.

  61. Deide

    re: markteing and SEO, I guess you can frame it as a lack of 'XMPP Evangelism'. Matrix is likely sliding down the same path now.

  62. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    i have heard of encryption problems for years from element. In social networks I am in its like Kris said. The hype is gone and reality started to settle in. including what the community can do, element company wants, and network effects

  63. Deide

    It's only anecdotal, and I do sometimes see people in the Element channel having issues, but I've used Element every day for over 4 years and only had (minor) encryption problems two or three times.

  64. Deide

    Usually when you or your contact adds a new device, or the homeserver is struggling for some reason (the default homeserver isn't too great).

  65. Deide

    Gajim is getting there nicely though. Once audio/video works on Windows, there will be less and less reason to use Matrix/Element.

  66. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    yeah agreed. if it has share your screen too then i dont have to use jitsi anymore either

  67. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *d6dc367d* < > fix: Make it impossible to connect without config Fixes #11608

  68. lovetox

    website is now up to date

  69. jstein

    The gajim icon for configure_encryption is a lock and the gajim icon for encryption_status is a shield I suggest to change it to configure_encryption=lock+toothwheel encryption_status=lock+modifier

  70. jstein

    what do you think? I am willing to prepare a pictogram, if needed

  71. jstein

    the MUC icon "encryption is not available" with orange "!" is great for example

  72. jstein

    (at least in my eyes ;-)

  73. lovetox

    actually i think we dont need the shield icon anymore

  74. lovetox

    it was previously used to open the key window

  75. lovetox

    and because omemo was a plugin this was a separated window, but now its integrated in the contact info

  76. lovetox

    hm but we have 2 other encryption plugins

  77. lovetox

    i think the best way would be if these plugins extend the contact info, and add a page there, like omemo does

  78. lovetox

    then we can get rid of the shield button

  79. jstein

    sounds good

  80. astanad

    Guys i tried to install nbxmpp library on windows using pip but i got an error with PyGOBject !! how can i fix it ?

  81. astanad

    iam using windows 10 with python last version !

  82. aereaux

    I'm on Gajim 1.8.1. Is it just me or is it impossible to disable OMEMO after enabling it. When I click on the encryption icon it just brings up the OMEMO key dialog without an (obvious) way to disable. Am I missing something?

  83. fjklp

    click on the lock icon

  84. fjklp

    then disable

  85. aereaux

    Clicking the icon just bring up the OMEMO configuration dialog.

  86. aereaux

    If it makes a difference, I'm using a tiling window manager that gives the configuration dialog immediate focus.

  87. QStambaugh

    There should be a lock and a shield. The shield brings up the OMEMO configuration. The lock allows you to disable OMEMO

  88. aereaux

    Ah, OK, I was missing something obvious. Thanks!

  89. QStambaugh

    No problem.