Gajim - 2023-08-21

  1. t4d

    hello! I seem to be having an issue with gajim's OMEMO, new devices don't seem to be acknowledged by gajim when they announce themselves

  2. t4d

    I'm using Gajim 1.8.1 as a flatpak

  3. kurion

    Could you please explain what `_add_new_contact_rows` does in Asking because there is already a `_add_contacts` method. What is considered _new_ ?

  4. lovetox

    The row when a contact is unknown

  5. lovetox

    Simply type a unknown jid into the input

  6. goblinking

    1.8.1 is basically released, right?

  7. Kris

    it was already released a while ago

  8. goblinking

    So the only thing left is updating the website & translations?

  9. Kris

    I don't know why that ticket is still open

  10. Nepptün

    is it possible with a portable version to make a setting so the user can setup where the UserData folder should be? for example to place it on another partition?

  11. lovetox

    then its not portable anymore is it?

  12. lovetox

    portable means that all data are in one place, a folder, which you can move where ever you want

  13. lovetox

    the minute you decide to split user data from applicaton data, its not moveable anymore

  14. Nepptün

    that's true, but for elderly or for kids you must freeze the computer with deepfreze else they get a virus and you can keep installing the os. I use a thawed partition for everything that must stay writable., but I want to be able to keep the gajim in the frozen area and that folders that need to stay writable to be able to link them somewhere in the thawed area.

  15. lovetox

    on linux?

  16. lovetox

    ah no, we are talking about windows

  17. lovetox

    am yeah actually if you checkout the gajim shortcuts you will see a command line invocation that points to the user data folder

  18. lovetox

    you can change that to point whereever you want

  19. lovetox

    but you can do that also with the normal gajim installation

  20. lovetox

    no need for portable

  21. lovetox

    gajim has a -c switch that allows you to point to the place where the userdata is

  22. Nepptün

    So I just have to start gajim like "gajim -c c:\some\where\there" ?

  23. lovetox


  24. pep.

    Would it be possible to add a "[Re]join" button in a room that says "You have left due to an error"?

  25. pep.

    I don't see an obvious way to rejoin

  26. lovetox

    hmm it should be there right in the middle

  27. lovetox

    if its not then Gajim doesnt know that you are not joined?

  28. pep.

    Maybe.. but I wasn't receiving new messages, and the last thing that was shown was this error. It didn't look joined

  29. pep.

    I'm on master, though I haven't been updating in maybe a month

  30. lovetox

    hm ok there was a error shown

  31. lovetox

    like a message in the chat?

  32. lovetox

    ahh ..

  33. lovetox

    ok so we received the kick presence ..

  34. lovetox

    ok i check this

  35. pep.


  36. pep.

    Yeah like a red message in the chat, probably no user attached and maybe centered, I don't remember :/

  37. lovetox

    hm looks ok from the code

  38. lovetox

    it should show ..

  39. pep.

    I'll update and try to be careful if it happens again

  40. lovetox

    a quick test with kicking myself from a room also worked

  41. lovetox

    yeah please

  42. uros03

    hi guys, I've just found about XMPP and I'm trying it out

  43. lovetox


  44. uros03

    Do I share my ID with the suffix included or wtihout?

  45. uros03

    Do I share my ID with the suffix included or without?

  46. lovetox


  47. uros03 in my case

  48. uros03

    so do I do uros03 or

  49. lovetox

    xmpp adresses are like email addresses

  50. uros03


  51. uros03

    got it

  52. lovetox

    the first part before the @ is the user

  53. lovetox

    afterwards is the server he is on

  54. uros03

    I see, I guess I should've done more reading on xmpp

  55. uros03

    and I should've chosen a server with a cooler name hahah

  56. lovetox

    its more important to choose a server that is well maintained and up to date

  57. lovetox

    your xmpp address will not be seen on a daily basis, it only plays a role when trying to add friends

  58. uros03

    this one should be fine then

  59. uros03

    XMPP seems lonely though, are there any estimates of how many people use this thing?

  60. uros03

    I'm sure none of my friends are using it.

  61. Kris

    billions of people use it every day ;)

  62. Kris

    not even joking

  63. Kris

    the open Jabber federation is less active though, but by some semi recent estimates there are tens of thousands of servers

  64. Kris

    but XMPP is currently more geared towards private chat, like WhatsApp and not large public groups

  65. Kris

    so you don't see much of that

  66. uros03


  67. uros03

    well I hope this fediverse grows

  68. uros03

    it feels nostalgic

  69. uros03

    and it's decentralized, of course

  70. Kris

    maybe... at least it is not anymore shrinking I would guess from anecdotal evidence

  71. uros03

    The EU is big on pushing Mastodon

  72. uros03

    and I see Matrix mentioned from time to time

  73. uros03

    Matrix and XMPP should be integrated if possible, I guess they are similar enough, functionality-wise

  74. Kris

    Matrix was one of the reasons why xmpp was shrinking a few years back, but I think people are slowly getting over the honeymoon period and realize that it actually just reinvented the wheel badly

  75. Deide

    Both support gateways/bridging as part of the tech, so it's not totally unfeasible.

  76. Kris

    yeah, I am still curious if we will ever hear from the official ejabberd integrated matrix gateway

  77. Kris

    yeah, I am still curious if we will ever hear again from the official ejabberd integrated matrix gateway

  78. Kris

    from the Matrix side there is Bifrost, but even the patched up version from aria-net to so buggy it hardly works

  79. Deide

    One advantage Matrix has is its 'standard' client, Element. Which has most of the features you might want - though it's a web client.

  80. Deide

    Yeah, bridging on Matrix - one of its biggest selling points originally - is far from perfect.

  81. pep.

    Deide, it also was one of the biggest selling points of XMPP at the beginning :)

  82. pep.

    « Look we're gonna unify all these networks » one more network and 20 years later.. « look we're gonna unify all these networks »

  83. Deide

    Was it? I don't remember seeing a variety of gateways way back, but it's possible I just wasn't looking too hard at the time.

  84. pep.

    Well Matrix started with libpurple that was also used for XMPP

  85. Deide

    biboumi works quite nicely for IRC, I must say

  86. pep.

    Before making their own

  87. Deide

    I remember using libpurple on bitlbee in the past (and of course, I was a Pidgin user for many years). I guess XMPP had a marketing or SEO problem.

  88. pep.

    still has