Gajim - 2023-08-13

  1. fjklp

    any idea why I can't thumbs up an issue?

  2. fjklp

    for this one issue only

  3. fjklp

    it lets me thumb down

  4. fjklp

    maybe there is a max limit of 5 thumbs up

  5. fjklp

    anyone want to point me to which file has the code for matching an emoji short code like ':smiling'

  6. fjklp

    specifically the match that is done when it replaces the text sequence with an emoji

  7. fjklp

    is it known that when you send a message while gajim is disconnected, but thinks it's connected, the message gets lost?

  8. ☭Mike Yellow

    > is it known that when you send a message while gajim is disconnected, but thinks it's connected, the message gets lost? I met it.

  9. ☭Mike Yellow

    When Gajim wrongly think it is connected, user can not change status successfully.

  10. hannibal

    fjklp: maybe the issue has your thumb up already

  11. fjklp

    It does not. Normally an emoji reaction will toggle between being set and unset, and will increase and decrease the count accordingly. What it's doing for me is rapidly adding +1 to the count, then returning to the previous count.

  12. fjklp

    It does not. Normally an emoji reaction will toggle between being set and unset with successive presses, and will increase and decrease the count accordingly. What it's doing for me is rapidly adding +1 to the count, then returning to the previous count.

  13. fjklp

    I tried refreshing the page too, to no avail

  14. fjklp

    > anyone want to point me to which file has the code for matching an emoji short code like ':smiling' to clarify, this is referring to gajim itself

  15. Spade

    Hello all! I seem to be having a bit of trouble getting VOIP to work

  16. Spade

    I'm on Artix (Arch) and I have all of the optional dependencies installed, but Gajim still isn't listing the feature as enabled

  17. Kris

    Spade, the voip feature of Gajim is outdated and not compatible with most other XMPP clients anyways

  18. Spade

    Oh, that's rather unfortunate, but thank you for the heads up

  19. jstein

    gajim 1.8.1 writes at startup 08/13/23 23:36:15 (E) gajim.c.dbus.system_style Couldn’t read the color-scheme setting: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop" does not exist

  20. jstein

    I compiled fresh from source on Gentoo Linux

  21. jstein

    running xfce here

  22. lovetox

    via flatpak?

  23. jstein

    brrrr no. I would never ever use flatpack. ;-)

  24. jstein

    lovetox, I compiled with this package in the attachment. It works now for 1.8.0 and 1.8.1

  25. jstein

    we ship now dev-python/omemo-dr with the official Gentoo Repository so that we can compile and install gajim 1.8.x properly

  26. lovetox

    great, about that error, google the dbus namespace, and look what software offers it

  27. lovetox

    its just so gajim can get system settings like if you are using dark mode

  28. lovetox

    if this is not available Gajim is not able to adapt its stile to dark/light, depending on your system

  29. lovetox

    but its nothing breaking

  30. lovetox

    hannibal, but is this protal thing not something only used for flatpaks?

  31. hannibal

    portals are not limited to flatpak

  32. jstein

    I installed now: sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gnome sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, but the Error still remains. However I see no flaws in the running program

  33. hannibal

    jstein: you can find details about color-scheme in xfce needs to add support for it, as gnome and KDE do

  34. jstein

    so the error message should disappear, if I set Darktheme=disabled in the settings?