Gajim - 2023-08-12

  1. ☭Mike Yellow

    Gajim 1.8.1 can not start on Microsoft Windows 7, it says it lacks of _“api-ms-win-core-path-|1-1-0.dll”_. I do not know which dependency should I install.

  2. ☭Mike Yellow

    I guess now Gajim is not supported on Windows 7 in program, right? Should I say that Gajim 1.7.3 is a milestone?

  3. anomaly

    You're spending too much time on 4chan /g/ falling for memes

  4. anomaly

    You should not run windows 7 under any circumstances

  5. anomaly

    (networked circumstances)

  6. anomaly

    unless you like getting hacked i guess

  7. ☭Mike Yellow

    Yes. I will tell them to update to Windows 10 in the manual.

  8. anomaly

    Sorry that felt rude

  9. anomaly

    didnt mean to be rude. lol.

  10. anomaly

    but yeah whoever complained about that uhhh they have bigger problems :D

  11. lovetox

    ☭Mike Yellow, this was at least not intentional

  12. lovetox

    and google says

  13. lovetox

  14. lovetox

    so seems like that should be on the system at least

  15. lovetox

    are you sure this happens on more than one win 7 installation?

  16. ☭Mike Yellow

    Oh. Sorry. I should test it on an official Windows 7 installation. I will go to test again.

  17. lovetox

    btw we actually fixed a problem in 1.8.1 which only happend on win7

  18. ☭Mike Yellow

    No. Official Microsoft Windows 7 installation can not start Gajim 1.8.1 too. There is not that DLL file. Check this?

  19. ☭Mike Yellow

    No. Official Microsoft Windows 7 installation can not start Gajim 1.8.1 too. There is no that DLL file. Check this?

  20. lovetox

    then i guess its game over for windows 7 support

  21. lovetox

    indeed 1.8.0 was using python 3.10

  22. lovetox

    so seems now using python 3.11 fails

  23. ☭Mike Yellow

    OK. Then I will tell users in the manual.

  24. ☭Mike Yellow

    All right. Thank you.

  25. cal0pteryx

    Finally :)

  26. ☭Mike Yellow

    Yeah. Finally we can update our manual now.

  27. cal0pteryx

    ☭Mike Yellow: Windows 7 shouldn't be used anymore.

  28. ☭Mike Yellow

    Sure. I agree.

  29. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *92dc358e* < > imprv: DiscoInfo: Improve discovery if subject is allowed to be modified

  30. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    > Hah. Maybe if someone integrated some headless version of Mumble into a client or something things would be different I would like native xmpp based voice rooms instead. But probably easier for mumble to be plugged in like element/matrix did

  31. qy

    Matrix plugged jitsi in, lol.

  32. qy

    Which is even funnier cause that uses xmpp

  33. Kris

    well, they are moving away from it these days with their Element Call feature

  34. Kris

    its basically just webrtc, but they have an interesting federated SFU

  35. Kris

    something that would make sense for XMPP as well