Gajim - 2023-08-09

  1. fjklp

    I see that when default encryption for an account is set to omemo, it works for direct chats but not for mucs that are set to members only and not anonymous.

  2. fjklp

    This seems like it might be a bug as a user might expect it to work in any case where encryption is possible

  3. ☭Mike Yellow

    fjklp, OMEMO does not work for occupant messages.

  4. ☭Mike Yellow

    This is not bug, this is design.

  5. fjklp

    I'm talking about a case where omemo can be used

  6. ☭Mike Yellow

    Oh, sorry.

  7. lovetox

    no its not a bug, it was intentional

  8. positron

    What packages are required to get emojis displayed in 1.8.1 and opensuse tumbleweed? A click on the the smilies icon only shows a text for types of them.

  9. positron

    I guess there is a dependency missing.

  10. lovetox

    google emoji font packages on your system

  11. lovetox

    in debian its called noto-emoji or something

  12. positron

    I have already installed: google-noto-coloremoji-fonts - Noto Color Emoji font /usr/share/fonts/truetype /usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoColorEmoji.ttf /usr/share/licenses/google-noto-coloremoji-fonts /usr/share/licenses/google-noto-coloremoji-fonts/LICENSE

  13. fjklp

    looks like it's google-noto-coloremoji-fonts

  14. fjklp

    I don't see why it wouldn't work

  15. fjklp

    > no its not a bug, it was intentional I'm curious of the rationale

  16. positron

    I will try with a clean user account. maybe it is a user-wide font problem. Thanks for the help so far.

  17. lovetox

    positron, yes its most likely a font config problem

  18. roundsquareuser

    hi there, can anybody tell me how to use EU number, the twilio SGX, do I have to register with twilio first? Is there way to pay via, rather than pay twilio directly?

  19. lovetox

    basically which font your system chooses

  20. positron

    > basically which font your system chooses Yes lovetox it actually is. Emojis work when runng Gajim under another user. Thank you for the help

  21. positron

    I have found the cause. Display of emojies work only when anti-aliasing is diasbled in KDE's systemsettings for the fonts.

  22. positron

    I have found the cause. Display of emojies works only when anti-aliasing is diasbled in KDE's systemsettings for the fonts.

  23. meson

    That's weird, works for me with antialiasing.

  24. ic_

    Must just be a Suse thing, KDE on Debian emoji work on Gajim with anti aliasing enabled

  25. meson

    That's weird, works for me with antialiasing on Tumbleweed.