Gajim - 2023-08-07

  1. fjklp

    how long has the gitlab been down?

  2. fjklp

    now it's working

  3. fjklp

    it's been pretty broken lately

  4. erik

    I'm running gitlab too, unfortunately. If I had to choose today, I would choose Gitea. Very nice, lean and relatively complete product which now even supports cicd...

  5. plaws

    (Forgejo seems great too !)

  6. erik

    Gitlab went the direction of the corporates, with deployments multiplied by 15 or 20 over 7 or 8 years? originally, their packages were "big", but still less than 100MB; now their deb is 1.5GB

  7. erik

    most of what's in there are things I don't need. basically it's not a package. It's a full fledged corporate deployment in a deb, including grafana and other stuff. I want that as options, not built-ins.

  8. cal0pteryx

    no doubt, it's big. but gajim relies on it in multiple ways: proper code search, proper CI, sentry integration, ...

  9. erik

    what does "proper CI" mean? And why does that need to take 1.4GB, when the original function was doable in less than 100MB?

  10. erik

    Gitea can do code search. It also does CI and it lets people integrate with minimalistic CI if they want.

  11. erik

    what is sentry integration?

  12. erik

    oh. btw, Gitea does package and container image repository too.

  13. Ichtyx

    +1 Gitea very good.

  14. lovetox

    CI is the most important one

  15. lovetox

    what does gitea use for CI

  16. Ichtyx

    Github action

  17. Ichtyx

    Or custom ci integration like woodpecker, drone, and a lot of other...

  18. Ichtyx

    Had a small server for little dev team installed gitlab through fasttrack server oom. Tried gitea, he's just fine with 100mb of ram.

  19. Ichtyx

  20. Ichtyx


  21. Kris

    CI is not as well integrated in Gitea as in Gitlab. Otherwise I agree that Gitea/Forgejo is nice

  22. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *803da13b* < > chore: Update IANA data

  23. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _python-nbxmpp_ < >: *987d9514* < > release: 4.3.2

  24. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 2 commits to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *aea1595f* < > chore: Update flatpak dependencies *3acc01e2* < > release: 1.8.1