Gajim - 2023-08-03

  1. roundsquareuser

    Hi there, I selected mail, is this mail cash or cheque?

  2. roundsquareuser

    And Can I pay by monero?

  3. roundsquareuser

    I didn't see this option

  4. roundsquareuser

    Lastly, I need a EU number, but on website, the recommended one, like vonage.SGX and twillio SGX, would ask too much personal information when register? Could you PLEASE recommend a style EU number without KYC, many thanks

  5. roundsquareuser

    lastly, do Gajim can make phone call as well? Or after activate, I need to download another SIP app, thank you

  6. roundsquareuser


  7. kurion

    Is there a way to play a sound when all of my accounts are logged in after starting Gajim? and also when any of my contacts become online?

  8. kurion

    I found Contact connected and disconnected in Manage Sounds dialog.

  9. kurion

    I tested with making my contact offline and online but these two sounds don't seem to work.

  10. kurion

    Message receiving sounds work though.

  11. kurion

    what might be the issue here?

  12. liqsliu

  13. liqsliu

    > how to fix?

  14. kurion

    Currently, if I want to organize my contacts into groups, the groups are made available under account specific rosters. Could you please give me some hints on how to implement a grouping mechanism that is account agnostic and how complicated might it be?

  15. lovetox

    Welcome to workspaces

  16. kurion

    yes, I tried using workspaces as an alternate implementation of groups

  17. kurion

    but at a given moment, if I am in a chat with multiple people from different workspaces, I need to switch workspaces before I can use Ctrl+Tab to go to my desired chat.

  18. kurion

    I guess, that's okay and I can live with it.

  19. kurion

    How can I indicate which workspace a contact is in inside the Start/Join Chat dialog? And possibly sort the shown ContactRows grouped by workspaces in that dialog?

  20. kurion

    Actually, my blind friend will need to use the Start/Join chat dialog extensively (in place of a roster). So at least the grouping will be very beneficial for him.

  21. lovetox

    liqsliu, sounds like some migration problem

  22. lovetox

    you can delete logs.db if you dont need old messages

  23. lovetox


  24. lovetox

    kurion, i dont understand that need, if you open the start chat dialog, you want to start a chat with a particular person

  25. lovetox

    you type some characters into the search bar, and select the contact of your choice

  26. lovetox

    why would it matter in which workspace that conversation is currently

  27. liqsliu

    lovetox: yes, In order to keep the message record, I did not delete the archive, reinstalled a different version of gajim

  28. lovetox

    you seem to miss a table

  29. lovetox

    seems some old migration went wrong

  30. lovetox

    from which version did you upgrade?

  31. liqsliu

    1.8 > 1.3 , I will try to install gajim of 1.8

  32. lovetox

    yeah downgrades are not supported

  33. liqsliu

    1.8(archlinux) > 1.3(ubuntu)

  34. lovetox

    it can sometimes work because we didnt change the database, but between these versions are years

  35. liqsliu

    But there is only an old version in the software source

  36. kurion

    I am making mods to the start/chat dialog so that he can use it as a somewhat functional roster because he is very used to using roster centric chat apps. So in the start chat contact list, if the contacts are grouped by workspaces/groups they are in, it will be closest to what he is used to already

  37. liqsliu

    I'm trying to download the latest version from the official website

  38. lovetox

    liqsliu, you can always use the flatpak version from flathub

  39. lovetox

    then you are independent of your os package repository

  40. qy

    Oh hey liqsliu

  41. kurion

    I consulted him and he said sometimes the grouping comes in handy when he forgets the nick/jid of the contact he wants to talk to.

  42. liqsliu

    qy: 😂

  43. kurion

    then he can go to the group and navigate the list to pick the right one.

  44. lovetox

    so then he goes to the workspace and goes through the chat list

  45. lovetox

    anyway, of course you can try and get the workspace into the start chat dialog

  46. lovetox

    but remember a chat has only a workspace if the chat is open

  47. lovetox

    so not all contacts have a workspace

  48. lovetox


  49. kurion

    got it.

  50. kurion

    lovetox: How complicated and time-consuming do you think it could be to implement an account agnostic group system for the contacts?

  51. kurion

    I am thinking I'll need to go through Gtk.TreeView (which is not an easy-peasy thing) and the already implemented storage system.

  52. kurion

    looking forward to your suggestions.

  53. lovetox

    its not worth it

  54. lovetox

    let your friend live without it, you will see in the end he will not need it that bad

  55. lovetox

    btw, i dont know of any client that has that

  56. lovetox

    im sure your time is better spent on other things

  57. kurion

    Let me see.

  58. kurion

    is the remove contact action accessible from anywhere else other than the roster?

  59. lovetox


  60. rheman

    just to mention that the xmpp client the one of the best

  61. rheman

    It only remains audio and video call for windows client compatible with conversation app

  62. rheman

    great job

  63. lovetox
