Gajim - 2023-07-31

  1. potato

    does openpgp work in MUCs?

  2. ☭Mike Yellow

    > does openpgp work in MUCs? No.

  3. kurion

    Please correct me if I have wrong conclusions here. 1. to check a contact's status we will need its resources with `resources = contact.iter_resources()` 2. Each resource can have different presence states and statuses.

  4. kurion

    I tried to access an offline contact's presence state with ``` resources = contact.iter_resources() for resource in resources: presence_state = print(f'{contact}s presence is {presence_state}') ```

  5. kurion

    But nothing shows up.

  6. kurion

    Is it that an offline contact doesn't even have a `resource` ?

  7. kurion

    I thought the `presence_state` of a currently offline contact would be 'offline' when checked with ``

  8. kurion

    and I checked with len(resources) that an offline contact has no resources

  9. kurion

    So I am thinking I've to check `len(resources) == 0` to decide if a contact is offline.

  10. kurion

    But then the question arises, when exactly is ` = offline`?

  11. lovetox

    Iter_resources ignores offline resources

  12. lovetox

    You don't need the status of resources

  13. lovetox

    You don't need the show of resources

  14. lovetox

    Simply access it will calculate a value across resources

  15. lovetox

    A faster check is contact.is_available

  16. kurion

    Oh, thanks

  17. kurion

    But `print(f'{contact} has {contact.status}')` gives ``` AttributeError: 'BareContact' object has no attribute 'status' ``` I am doing this in

  18. kurion

    oh sorry, let me check ``

  19. kurion

    It does the job. Thanks a lot

  20. kurion

    When I make a change to a py file, suppose ``, I have to restart Gajim and press Ctrl+N to check if the changes reflect in GUI as intended. Is there a quicker way to check?

  21. fjklp

    is it possible to send a muc invite from gajim?

  22. lovetox

    kurion: not if you change python code

  23. lovetox

    fjklp: yes from the group chat roster

  24. lovetox

    There is a big button

  25. kurion

    lovetox: I see

  26. fjklp


  27. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *4c4db6e3* < > cfix: Roster: Don't import BareContact from types Import only works with non-runtime code Fixes #11589

  28. fjklp

    has anyone notice a discrepancy between the last chat message and the chat snippet in the chat list?

  29. fjklp

    I had this happen a few times recently

  30. fjklp

    is it possible to send a contact request via a direct chat, direct chat via muc, or muc view?

  31. fjklp

    something other than the "Add Contact" in the + menu

  32. ☭Mike Yellow

    > is it possible to send a contact request via a direct chat, direct chat via muc, or muc view? fjklp, as long as you can get the user address, you can.

  33. ☭Mike Yellow

    Right-click the user who are not you contact in the left panel.

  34. ☭Mike Yellow

    Right-click the user who are not your contact in the left panel.

  35. ☭Mike Yellow

    Right-click the user who is not your contact in the left panel.

  36. fjklp

    for example, if I right click a user in this muc, there is no option to send a contact request

  37. ☭Mike Yellow

    As for half-anonymous room in occupant private message, get the user's trust then ask they for their user address.

  38. ☭Mike Yellow

    As for half-anonymous room in occupant private message, get the user's trust then ask them for their user address.

  39. ☭Mike Yellow

    A few users would like to write their user address into their vCard, so you can get their user address directly even in half-anonymous room without saying “hello” to them.

  40. fjklp

    if I am in a direct chat via muc, I see no option to send a contact request from this view, which seems like a feature that I would expect to exist

  41. ☭Mike Yellow

    fjklp, That is impossible. You MUST know the user's address first!

  42. fjklp

    this sounds like a broken system if true

  43. ☭Mike Yellow

    And it is a half-ANONYMOUS room. You do not know others' address except you are a moderator in this room.

  44. ☭Mike Yellow

    > I see no option to send a contact request from this view Just type some words to say “Hello” and ask for the address.

  45. fjklp

    imagine if you could do this with a buttotn

  46. fjklp

    imagine if you could do this with a button

  47. ☭Mike Yellow

    A plugin for you to send “Hi, I want your address.” directly as a button in occupant private chat?

  48. ☭Mike Yellow

    The plugin “Quick replies” would satisfy you.

  49. Mark_

    Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to display the names/meanings of the emojies in the emoji selector when you hold the mouse over them? I think many people feel the same as I do, that I don't always know the exact meaning or name. It would be awesome if the meaning was also displayed in the chat 🙃️.

  50. Mark_

    Another thing but also related to the emoji selector is the size of the emojies or its window. Under Gnome with GTK, the emojies are displayed nice and big, but in KDE they are a bit small, so I sometimes have to move a bit closer to the screen. Is it possible to resize the emojies or the window so that my blind eyes can distinguish the yellow bumps 😆️

  51. Mark_

    Another thing but also related to the emoji selector is the size of the emojies or its window. Under Gnome with GTK, the emojies are displayed nice and big, but in KDE they are a bit small, so I sometimes have to move a bit closer to the screen. Is it possible to resize the emojies or the window so that my blind eyes can distinguish the yellow bumps 😆️

  52. Mark_

    oops, that was one time too much

  53. fjklp

    > Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to display the names/meanings of the emojies in the emoji selector when you hold the mouse over them? I think many people feel the same as I do, that I don't always know the exact meaning or name. It would be awesome if the meaning was also displayed in the chat 🙃️. I have been wanting this functionality many times

  54. fjklp

    also maybe hovering over emojis in chat, not sure if that's possible

  55. fjklp

    names with short code would be nice

  56. fjklp

    names and short code would be nice

  57. Mark_

    > also maybe hovering over emojis in chat, not sure if that's possible that was my thought too. I also don't know if and how this is feasible, that's why I described it this way.

  58. fjklp

    there are infinite things

  59. fjklp

    like, type :thu and you get an emoji menu with the thumbs down emoji in 6 different skin tones

  60. fjklp

    if you want thumbs up, you have to type ':thumbs u' to get them to show

  61. fjklp

    maybe I'm being picky, but picking one skin tone and only showing emojis in that tone would eliminate a lot of useless ones

  62. lovetox

    Please direct your requests for emojis to the gnome community

  63. lovetox

    Emoji picker is a GTK standard widget, we can not influence it

  64. lovetox

    Theme creators may have influence on the emoji size in the picker

  65. Mark_

    ok, thanks. Is there a special repo where i can write an issue?

  66. Mark_

    is it this one you use:

  67. lovetox


  68. Mark_

    ok 👍, then i'll see what can be done about it 😇️

  69. Mark_

    I just thought of something else while I was working. Under Gnome and KDE I can temporarily disable the display of messages. I know from work (unfortunately with Windows 😭️, but what else would you expect) that some programmes recognise this and then adjust their own status (Do not disturb, Busy or whatever). Is it possible to integrate this into Gajim as well?

  70. lovetox

    You mean notifications?

  71. lovetox

    Does it not work when you set Gajim to DND

  72. Mark_

    Yes, that already works. I rather meant that it is automatically recognised so that the status does not have to be set to "I am busy" in each application individually.

  73. Mark_

    If I mute the notifications globally (KDE, Gnome) at the moment, my contacts don't get to know that I'm busy and therefore can't read their messages and perhaps don't want to be disturbed.

  74. aquatarkus

    hey, if there's anyone here using Hyprland, you can use these windowrules to make only the main Gajim window tile while the others (popups, settings etc) float: windowrulev2 = float,class:org.gajim.Gajim windowrulev2 = tile,title:Gajim very easy but it's been a while and for some reason I hadn't thought of this before, so I thought I would share in case it's useful to someone else

  75. Mark_

    > Please direct your requests for emojis to the gnome community So, I've written an issue now, let's see if it meets with interest. But it still occurred to me, would it be possible from your side to display the names of the emojies in the chat when you move the mouse over them?

  76. lovetox

    Mark_, no

  77. ☭Mike Yellow

    How to delere a room avatar?

  78. lovetox

    Only possible via XML console currently I think

  79. ☭Mike Yellow

    I can not get the room configration form after setting hide owners' presence status. Would that be considered as a bug?

  80. lovetox

    never heard of that config option

  81. lovetox

    on what server is this?

  82. ☭Mike Yellow


  83. lovetox

    and i doubt that would a gajim bug, maybe a server one

  84. lovetox

    because it does not send the form anymore

  85. ☭Mike Yellow

    If I remember correctly, Tigase and Openfire also have such kind of options.

  86. ☭Mike Yellow

    I can still get the form from Psi+.

  87. ☭Mike Yellow

    >after setting hide ~owners'~ *moderators'* presence status.

  88. ☭Mike Yellow

    It seems not severe. I tried again, no problem this time.

  89. ☭Mike Yellow

    It looks like it is not working when the occupant panel does not show myself.

  90. ☭Mike Yellow

    But I joined again, it showed me. They everything is normal now.

  91. ☭Mike Yellow


  92. ☭Mike Yellow

    It looks like the occupant panel will not show myself if: The room configuration set hide moderator's presence status; And there is another client still in room when Gajim is joining.

  93. ☭Mike Yellow

    It looks like the occupant panel will not show myself if: The room configuration set hide moderator's presence status; And there is another client still in room when Gajim is joining in the meanwhile.

  94. ☭Mike Yellow

    It looks like the occupant panel will not show myself if: The room configuration set hide moderator's presence status; And there is another client (Psi+) still in room when Gajim is joining in the meanwhile.

  95. ☭Mike Yellow

    Weird. Conversations and Dino will not cause this situation.

  96. lovetox

    i dont know what is expected of this config option

  97. lovetox

    obviously you want to see yourself

  98. ☭Mike Yellow

    If I can not see myself, I can not get the configuration form too.

  99. lovetox


  100. lovetox

    are you saying then it doesnt work

  101. lovetox

    ok let me test this

  102. ☭Mike Yellow

    > are you saying then it doesnt work Yes.

  103. lovetox

    Are you talking about the option "Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted"

  104. lovetox

    i dont see "hide presence status"

  105. lovetox

    ejabberd im talking about

  106. ☭Mike Yellow

    > Are you talking about the option "Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted" Yes.

  107. ☭Mike Yellow

    Well. I should have learnt to use the terms.

  108. lovetox

    i discovered a bug in the dataform impl

  109. lovetox

    Gajim can not set the broadcast field correctly

  110. ☭Mike Yellow

    Did not I report this bug twice in this room?

  111. ☭Mike Yellow

    Have not I report this bug twice in this room?

  112. ☭Mike Yellow

    Well... Maybe my English description was bad.

  113. ☭Mike Yellow

    > Have not I report this bug twice in this room? I mean this bug: > Gajim can not set the broadcast field correctly I have reported it twice many days ago.

  114. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *80303100* < > fix: Dataform: Correctly serialize multi list fields

  115. lovetox

    Mikaela, yeah only because you report something, nobody jumps up and fixes something

  116. lovetox

    ☭Mike Yellow, yeah only because you report something, nobody jumps up and fixes something

  117. lovetox

    thats why its good to report issues on the tracker

  118. lovetox

    so people dont forget

  119. lovetox

    it should be fixed in the next version of Gajim

  120. lovetox

    we will release it in a few days

  121. ☭Mike Yellow

    My bad.

  122. lovetox

    thanks for the report :)

  123. lovetox

    twice !

  124. ☭Mike Yellow

    Glad it is fixed. :)

  125. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *dc4260e2* < > chore: Update translations

  126. aquatarkus

    There's a very minor issue with gajim's chat list UI. Special characters in the display name will cause the chat to be a few pixels taller than others in the chat list.

  127. aquatarkus

    ocd stuff really

  128. aquatarkus

  129. aquatarkus

    but it's a thing

  130. aquatarkus

    I'll make an issue

  131. cal0pteryx

    please don't. I consider this a non-issue

  132. aquatarkus

    alright, I won't then

  133. bot

    Daniel Brötzmann pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *befd5b00* < > fix: Search: Don't fail while closing if no chat has been loaded before Fixes #11588

  134. jstein

    perhaps depends on the version. I tested with 1.7.3.

  135. cal0pteryx

    jstein, I applied some changes for that screenshot (no line length, for example)

  136. cal0pteryx

    jstein, I applied some changes for that screenshot (no line length limit, for example)

  137. jstein

    cal0pteryx, thank you for testing. You mean you fixed it and then made the screenshot?

  138. cal0pteryx

    Yes. But I don't know if that looks better

  139. jstein

    cal0pteryx, of course it looks better, if the space is used. Thanks

  140. jstein

    does 1.8.0 depend on this lib ?

  141. lovetox


  142. lovetox

    our dependencies are written in the in the repo

  143. jstein

    when I try to start 1.8.0, it claims that it can not import the omemo lib

  144. lovetox

    you need omemo-dr

  145. lovetox

  146. jstein

    it is not bundled, correct?

  147. marmistrz

    What's currently the state of the art XMPP client for iOS/Mac? Should I recommend Monal or Beagle/Siskin to an Apple-using friend?

  148. lovetox

    jstein, no

  149. lovetox

    atleast not on linux

  150. lovetox

    hm no actually thats not right

  151. lovetox

    its bundled in flatpak :)

  152. lovetox

    so the question is how or from where do you install Gajim

  153. jstein

    he said flatpak :(

  154. jstein


  155. jstein

    I started an environment with python3 -m venv ~/bin/pyenv source ~/bin/pyenv/bin/activate installed omemo-dr with pip in the environment started the system wide installed gajim 1.8.0 in the environment, but gajim 1.8.0 does not find the module

  156. jstein

    how can I tell gajim to use the module from the pyenv?

  157. jstein

    on you write "Initial codebase was forked from but has since been heavily rewritten." Could you add a short note, what/why it was heavily rewritten?