Gajim - 2023-07-27

  1. angelo

    greetings. after updating to 1.8.0 i'm getting an error, SSL verification error. was this issue reported? I have this only on a single account. And the same account works perfectly with the older gajim version

  2. lovetox

    What's the error

  3. kurion

    Is there a quick way to show/list all contacts from all logged in accounts?

  4. kurion

    Is there a quick way to show/list all contacts from all logged in accounts (preferably in one pane/listbox)?

  5. kurion

    If there isn't, do you think this could be useful? In my case, Itmy blind

  6. kurion

    If there isn't, do you think this could be useful? In my case, It'd be easy for my blind friend to navigate the contact list in one list rather than having to switch between different `AccountPage` s

  7. kurion

    the 'Start New Chat' with Ctrl+N is invaluable indeed

  8. kurion

    But the thing is we don't get any context menu for the contact items

  9. kurion

    The thing I am thinking of is a list/tree containing all contacts for all user accounts and the list items has some frequently used context menus (maybe renaming, removing, showing status of that contact etc)

  10. kurion

    This listing probably was there (kind of) in previous versions

  11. kurion

    This listing (kind of) probably was there in previous versions

  12. bodqhrohro

    kurion: not "probably", I still use 1.3 and it's there.

  13. bodqhrohro


  14. bodqhrohro

    I don't remember though if it was ever detachable to a separate window, like in Pidgin or in Skype 4.x.

  15. bodqhrohro

    > > he's running Win8.1 > as its a very old operating system > very old WUT

  16. bodqhrohro

    My zoomer nephew has Win8.1 on a laptop, lol.

  17. cal0pteryx

    It _is_ old. And unsupported.

  18. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: lovetox told it's _very_ old, not just old. If that is _very_ old, then what is old? Win10? And what Windows XP or 98 is then? Some people still use them too.

  19. bodqhrohro

    I had seen NT4 machines used in a university just ≈6 years ago.

  20. bodqhrohro

    I also don't get the idea of "unsupported", as a person who never installed Windows updates in the first place, as they may break something.

  21. cal0pteryx

    Please stop layout out all of your old software experiences now :P

  22. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: they're not just mine lol.

  23. cal0pteryx

    It's not relevant to this discussion, since all kurion wanted was a list of all rosters. Not win95

  24. bodqhrohro Looks pretty fun, especially given some internal CSS of Gajim which conflicts with the style lol.

  25. opal

    i wish mia would stop blocking tor access on 0x0

  26. bodqhrohro

    opal: take this then:

  27. opal

    (xmpp does have file upload but thanks)

  28. bodqhrohro

    opal: the server doesn't :P

  29. opal

    bug your admin

  30. opal

    i thought that was the whole point we arent on irc still :D

  31. bodqhrohro

    opal: I'm not on IRC merely for historical purposes :P

  32. bodqhrohro

    Also, lots of legacy clients don't support XEP-0363.

  33. bodqhrohro

    Uploading onto from BombusMod still works, AFAIR.

  34. bodqhrohro

    It provides non-direct links which expire after 2 hours ×D

  35. opal

    they're just that, legacy clients; besides, xep-0363 degrades gracefully

  36. opal

    that isnt an excuse really

  37. opal

    one only needs to have an xep-0363 capable client (and server) to *send* attachments, not receive

  38. opal

    receipt is done via normal http, and if omemo's in the mix; well, your client is already gonna support aesgcm:// links anyway

  39. bodqhrohro

    opal: problems with acessing 0x0 via TOR are not an excuse too, y'know? :P

  40. opal

    it isn't TOR, it's Tor

  41. bodqhrohro

    Actually, there may be problems with accessing Jabber servers in certain jurisdictions too.

  42. opal

    don't fight me on any of this, you don't know what you're talking about

  43. bodqhrohro

    So XEP-0363 won't help with that.

  44. ☭Mike Yellow

    For old OS, use Psi, though it is half-abandoned, it supports Windows 7 and XP.

  45. opal

    psi(+) was an odd client, i tried it briefly

  46. bodqhrohro

    ☭Mike Yellow: do you asume any old OS is a desktop OS? :P

  47. bodqhrohro

    And that it's always Windows?

  48. opal

    your combativeness isn't pleasing anyone in here just so you know

  49. Link Mauve

    I raise you Linux 2.6.35!

  50. bodqhrohro I didn't even know about TVJab before that.

  51. opal

    i know you're russian but that attitude gets tiring lol

  52. bodqhrohro

    opal: I'm not Russian lol.

  53. ☭Mike Yellow

    > psi(+) was an odd client, i tried it briefly In nowaday view, indeed.

  54. opal

    oh you just know it

  55. opal

    my bad

  56. opal

    or you know one of the few other cyrillic languages and happen to use telegram, in which case, apologies for my latent racism

  57. opal

    i may jump the gun on assumptions but i dont speak out of ignorance

  58. ☭Mike Yellow

    > ☭Mike Yellow: do you asume any old OS is a desktop OS? :P Xabber, Yaxim for Android, Chatsecure for iOS, Bombus for Symbian......

  59. ☭Mike Yellow

    > ☭Mike Yellow: do you asume any old OS is a desktop OS? :P Xabber, Yaxim for Android, Chatsecure for iOS, Bombus for Symbian...... :P

  60. ☭Mike Yellow

    Oh. I forgot to mention. Gajim 1.7.3 works on Windows 7.

  61. ☭Mike Yellow

    Get a Gajim 1.7.3 if you are using Windows 7 or 8.

  62. opal

    i would assume an x86_64 NT-based operating system would run most common desktop applications

  63. opal

    yes thats a jab at you

  64. opal

    1.7.3 seems to be most recent still in gentoo, so yeah, that should definitely run on any remotely-modern os right now

  65. kurion

    Is there something like a kill switch to turn off all CSS theming? I wanted to see how Gajim looks without CSS and if switching chats feels any faster.

  66. angelo

    > What's the error Certificate Validation Error

  67. angelo

    that's it

  68. angelo

    there was error while trying to validate the ssl certificate

  69. angelo

  70. opal

    youre on server

  71. angelo

    obvs not

  72. angelo

    this one is working

  73. angelo


  74. opal

    dont be smart when im trying to help you, i dont know enough about your error and you didnt say which server you have an issue on

  75. angelo

    as I wrote, other accs are working fine, including widenotes

  76. angelo

    an other acc - nope

  77. angelo

    and I can replicate the error only on 1.8

  78. angelo

    older versions don't get this error. neither alternative clients

  79. opal

    well i cant really do anything to help unless i know what server the failing account is using

  80. opal

    with tls certificate errors, its usually not the client's fault, but the server's

  81. opal

    you may want to bring it up to your admin if you arent willing to tell us what server it is

  82. angelo

  83. opal

    ok thanks

  84. opal the cert looks fine

  85. opal


  86. opal

    yeah im not sure then :(

  87. angelo


  88. angelo

    strage one

  89. NotMtth Sell and buy stuff on XMPP

  90. NotMtth Sell and buy stuff on XMPP

  91. Kris

    spam :(

  92. Kris

    lovetox, asterix

  93. NotMtth

    Spam? This is valuable info mate

  94. NotMtth

    It's a marketplace you can sell stuff on

  95. NotMtth


  96. ☭Mike Yellow

    Sending HTTP link of XMPP room looks like not spam, but sending twice do.

  97. NotMtth

    Ok main

  98. NotMtth

    I can send xmpp uri

  99. NotMtth


  100. Kris

    off-topic advertisement is spam

  101. NotMtth

    Valuable info is great

  102. NotMtth

    Your brain is spam

  103. ☭Mike Yellow

    > off-topic advertisement is spam Also. Indeed.

  104. NotMtth

    Ban me come on

  105. NotMtth

    Breaking the rules deserves a punishment

  106. firepenguin

    cal0pteryx: ^

  107. kurion

    Is there something like a kill switch in Gajim's code or in GTK to turn off all CSS? I wanted to see how Gajim looks without CSS and check if switching tabs feels any faster.

  108. lovetox

    i doubt you can turn off css styling in GTK

  109. ann

    let's wait when Gajim will move to GTK4

  110. ann

    lags will increase 2-3 times more XD

  111. kurion

    I see that the string `get_style_context().add_class` appears 246 times in the codebase. If I comment out every one of them with regex replace or something of that sort, will it _simulate_ turning off CSS?

  112. kurion

    I see that the string `get_style_context().add_class` appears 246 times in the codebase. If I comment out every one of them with regex replace or something of that sort, will it _simulate_ turning CSS off?

  113. cal0pteryx

    kurion: no

  114. cal0pteryx

    You can stop gajim from loadong gajim.css. But that won't change performance much, I guess

  115. opal

    >Ban me come on just chill and be normal dawg

  116. opal

    i believe in second chances

  117. NotMtth

    > i believe in second chances Ok, just saying you guys should consider joining and spread the word

  118. opal


  119. opal

    now's the time to drop it, pepe

  120. opal

    this isnt rizon

  121. aquatarkus

    any reason why sometimes gajim will refuse to be killed? `killall gajim` will not kill it

  122. aquatarkus

    I must SIGKILL for it to die

  123. lovetox

    aquatarkus, no idea sorry

  124. NotMtth

    > now's the time to drop it, pepe Time to drop it babe

  125. aquatarkus

    thanks lovetox

  126. aquatarkus

    btw, any clue why sometimes user avatars will not load?

  127. aquatarkus

    your avatar for one isn't loading

  128. lovetox

    can have many reasons, if you enable debug logging, and join this channel it should print why and what the problem ist

  129. lovetox

    can have many reasons, if you enable debug logging, and join this channel it should print why and what the problem is

  130. aquatarkus

    what folder will the log be saved to?

  131. lovetox

    hm wait, i think something is wrong on my side

  132. lovetox

    i investigate

  133. aquatarkus

    alright, it's not just your pfp tho

  134. aquatarkus

    some people's pfps are just not displaying

  135. aquatarkus

    some groups as well

  136. lovetox

    do you see the avatar now

  137. aquatarkus


  138. aquatarkus

    let me try restarting gajim

  139. aquatarkus

    no it doesn't appear

  140. aquatarkus

    I changed my setup a bit

  141. aquatarkus

    I'm now using gajim with `ego` and the ego user is torified. I have disabled the global/account proxy to prevent Tor-over-Tor

  142. aquatarkus

    maybe this has something to do with it?

  143. lovetox


  144. bot

    Philipp Hörist pushed 1 commit to branch _refs/heads/master_ of _gajim_ < >: *3ccdba1b* < > fix: Profile: Respect avatar/nickname privacy setting on consecutive changes Fixes #11584

  145. karolyi

    hey guys, is keepassxc support really a thing? when I turn off the system keychain usage, and turn on keepassxc support, all it does it saves the password into its ~/.config/gajim/settings.sqlite file I was quite shocked to see my password there in cleartext

  146. Veronica (XMPP)

    > hey guys, is keepassxc support really a thing? when I turn off the system keychain usage, and turn on keepassxc support, all it does it saves the password into its ~/.config/gajim/settings.sqlite file > I was quite shocked to see my password there in cleartext hackers will love you

  147. karolyi

    again, I want to use my keepassxc as a password provider backend, I never said I intended to store it in the sqlite file, it's just what gajim seem to be doing.

  148. aquatarkus

    karolyi: it worked for me

  149. aquatarkus

    and my password wasn't saved on that file

  150. aquatarkus

    but I enabled secret service integration on keepassxc

  151. aquatarkus

    it's in settings

  152. karolyi

    hold on

  153. aquatarkus

    when it works, you'll notice that you'll see that gajim will ask for permission to store the password in a db

  154. karolyi

    oh, that's being held by gnome-keyring-daemon on my machine

  155. aquatarkus

    you'll also be asked to open your database everytime

  156. aquatarkus

    > oh, that's being held by gnome-keyring-daemon on my machine that's why

  157. karolyi

    I can't just deinstall that unfortunately, since a lot of things depend on it

  158. aquatarkus

    you might be able to disable it

  159. aquatarkus

    or just have keepassxc take over that if you want

  160. aquatarkus

    I'm not sure how tho, been a long time since I last used gnome or seahorse

  161. aquatarkus

    maybe check the arch wiki page for keepassxc and/or seahorse

  162. karolyi

    yeah, seahorse is not my favorite, would prefer keepassxc over it, but it isn't a simple task to replace I remember

  163. aquatarkus

    it should be simple

  164. karolyi

    last time I tried, lot of things broke. autally I'm on my notebook now, but on my desktop it kinda works. I had to rename the gnome-keyring-daemon binary to get it working though

  165. karolyi

    last time I tried, lot of things broke. actually I'm on my notebook now, but on my desktop it kinda works. I had to rename the gnome-keyring-daemon binary to get it working though

  166. aquatarkus

    that's very strange

  167. aquatarkus

    GNOME moment, I guess

  168. karolyi


  169. karolyi

    also I found a github issue on keepassxc, they say that dbus will restart gnome-keyring-daemon even if you kill it

  170. karolyi

    but that's kind offtopic here

  171. karolyi

    I remember this being the reason for renaming the binary though

  172. aquatarkus

    well that sucks

  173. karolyi

    thanks for the compassion though :)