Gajim - 2023-07-20

  1. kurion

    I am trying to make a notification appear whenever OMEMO encryption is enabled/disabled. I found I could use `Gtk.Notify`.

  2. kurion

    But I found that Gajim does not use it to make its notifications.

  3. kurion

    Could you please explain the reasoning behind why Gtk.Notify has not been used for PopupNotifications?

  4. kurion

    Is it costly or less customizable than the current implementation?

  5. cal0pteryx

    kurion: where did you read about a `Gtk.Notify`? I don't think it exists

  6. kurion

    I'm sorry. It's not `Gtk.Notify`. To import this I used `from gi.repository import Notify`

  7. kurion

    I will correct my question.

  8. kurion

    Could you please explain the reasoning behind why `Notify` module from `gi.repository` has not been used for PopupNotifications?

  9. cal0pteryx

    I can't seem to find the source code for Notify. Would be interesting to know if it is multi-platform (but I doubt that). Gajim uses gio.notification, which comes natively with gobject. No need for an additional package

  10. cal0pteryx

    Apart from that: why would you issue a notofication for something the user triggered directly before? Sounds like an anti-pattern

  11. kurion

    I need to provide a feedback that a screen reader can read to my blind friend.

  12. kurion

    > No need for an additional package I see

  13. kurion

    I was using this page to use Notify.

  14. kurion

    Previously I tried the following. When on the message input field, user presses Ctrl+O and encryption_menu_button is clicked. Then he can use Up/Down to move focus to desired encryption method and press Space to finalize the encryption method. But the thing is even after pressing Space on a menu item, the item is not set to, in Gtk terms, _selected_. So when the user presses Ctrl+O to click the menu button and traverse the menu list to check for which encryption method is selected the screen reader reads "not selected" for every menu item, although previously selected menu item has the radio button checked.

  15. kurion

    Previously I tried the following. When on the message input field, user presses Ctrl+O and `encryption_menu_button` is clicked. Then he can use Up/Down to move focus to desired encryption method and press Space to finalize the encryption method. But the thing is even after pressing Space on a menu item, the item is not set to, in Gtk terms, _selected_. So when the user presses Ctrl+O to click the menu button and traverse the menu list to check for which encryption method is selected, the screen reader reads "not selected" for every menu item, although previously selected menu item has the radio button checked.

  16. kurion

    What can I do to set the encryption method menu item to _selected_? If that can be done, I wouldn't have to bother with making notifications to assure the blind user about the currently selected encryption method.

  17. lovetox

    no idea sounds like a GTK bug

  18. lovetox

    or a screen reader bug

  19. lovetox

    you would need to find out were the screen reader gets the info from if something is selected or not

  20. lovetox

    and check if gtk sets the thing correctly or if we need to do it somehow

  21. kurion

    Could you please help with how to make encryption menu items _selectable_ like `MessageRow`s are?

  22. kurion

    When messagerows are _selected_ the row is colored green. But this is not the UI feedback when an encryption menu is selected. That just has the focus but is not green when pressed space on.

  23. lovetox

    no there is no such option, check the docu for Gio.Menu

  24. Azrael

    I have installed gajim via apt on ubuntu. Since the delivered version is outdated (and annoying buggy) I wonder whether I can use flatpak and simply move my ~/.config/gajim/ config to (I guess ~/.var; not yet famliar with flatpak) in order to use it and continue to have my current omemo keys etc. Is that possible?

  25. lovetox

    Yes there is a wiki article

  26. lovetox

  27. Azrael

    great, thank you very much!

  28. XRevan86 lovetox: The 5 minute limit on last message correction is very noticeable. Where does that limitation come from?

  29. lovetox

    Mostly because we cannot notify the user about corrections, so we decided to make it short

  30. lovetox

    But this may change

  31. XRevan86

    lovetox: It's already strictly the last message that can be edited. With no other clients doing this, it just comes across as overly restrictive.

  32. mrdoctorwho

    I totally agree with XRevan86

  33. mrdoctorwho

    There should not be non-standardized behavior

  34. lovetox

    so no message correction at all? because there is no standard that says when its allowed?

  35. Noizette

    Hi, without any update to Gajim or certificate, today Gajim told me that my certificate wasn't accepted because of unknown... woops what was the wording? but it allowed me to add it to a whitelist. The certificate is emitted by let's encrypt, any ideas?

  36. lovetox

    Then there was an update to your local cert store

  37. lovetox

    Either that or you don't send the whole chain anymore or something like this

  38. Noizette

    Hm, no update either on packages or conf side from server :/

  39. Noizette

    Well, that's not a big deal

  40. aquatarkus

    hi, soo. I have a 1-1 OMEMO chat with this guy. I started the chat, but shortly after I reinstalled Gajim, causing my messages to be gone. I started a new chat with him. Would he see my messages in the same chatroom, or was a new one created when I DM'd him again? Also, something funky happened... Sometimes when I launch Gajim, I get to see old messages between me and him (from before I uninstalled Gajim), but sometime later I opened Gajim and the old messages appeared again

  41. aquatarkus

    Today I opened Gajim, old messages are gone again, and the newer ones that had disappeared are back

  42. aquatarkus

    What is going on here?

  43. aquatarkus

    The order is: I installed Gajim (arch package) -> DM'd this guy (old messages) -> installed flatpak gajim instead because the original one broke (DM'd him again, new chatroom) -> went back to pacman Gajim because lovetox helped me fix it

  44. aquatarkus

    now whether the old chatroom or the new one will show up when I open Gajim seems to be random. Sometimes it will show me old messages, and sometimes newer ones

  45. aquatarkus

    my friend is running Conversations from F-droid, if that is in any way relevant

  46. aquatarkus

    and I am on Gajim (only session)

  47. lovetox

    Hm sounds indeed weird

  48. lovetox

    Messages you received on the flatpak version will not be in the pacman version, I'd you use encryptikn

  49. lovetox

    Messages you received on the flatpak version will not be in the pacman version, I'd you use encryption

  50. lovetox

    And the other way around

  51. aquatarkus

    yeah, that's what I expected to happen