Gajim - 2023-07-16

  1. danielstein


  2. lovetox

    fjklp, no idea, you would need to provide logs when this happens

  3. fjklp

    should I expect to need some part of the long when the disconnection first started or should current log state be showing clues?

  4. fjklp

    ok, I think this message comes from the account server and not the muc server

  5. fjklp

    this message is repeated a number of times when I switch to a few different chats that use the same account but are mucs on separate servers

  6. fjklp

    <message to='' from='' type='error' id='random-id'><error type='cancel'><not-acceptable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/><text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'>You are not currently connected to this chat</text></error></message>

  7. naruto

    So for some reason i can set a n avatar

  8. naruto

    can't set avatar

  9. naruto

    gajim.gui.profile Unable to get access model for urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata

  10. lovetox

    naruto: your servers pubsub is most likely broken

  11. lovetox

    Talk to your admin or server support

  12. naruto


  13. lovetox

    Ah wait

  14. lovetox

    No that's not a problem

  15. naruto

    ur sure it pubsub

  16. lovetox

    There needs to be further errors

  17. lovetox

    This is only if you open the dialog or

  18. lovetox

    Set an avatar and look for errors

  19. naruto

    hold up

  20. naruto

    (W) gajim.gui.util Could not determine scale factor (W) gajim.gui.profile Unable to get access model for urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata: Error from item-not-found - Node not found

  21. lovetox

    No still not it

  22. fjklp

    so which software is at fault in my case? my server is not connected to ther muc server and refuses to reconnect?

  23. lovetox

    The mic kicked you it seems but gajim did not notice

  24. lovetox

    There is some ping magic gajims could do to detect this

  25. fjklp


  26. mjk


  27. fjklp


  28. fjklp

    I don't think thats it

  29. fjklp

    it happened in multiple mucs hosted at different servers

  30. mjk

    could server restart cause this?

  31. mjk

    wait, no

  32. fjklp

    uptime says no

  33. lovetox

    i think thats it

  34. lovetox

    gajim sends messages to a MUC, the MUC answers with, you are not joined

  35. lovetox

    ergo the MUC kicked you for whatever reason, and Gajim did not notice

  36. lovetox

    otherwise Gajim would not think you are still joined

  37. Deide

    Think it'd be possible to eventually get per-chat media embeds?

  38. lovetox

    What is that

  39. Deide

    The File Previews. Currently they're either globally on or globally off, right? With just the distinction between MUCs and private chats.

  40. lovetox

    yeah, and why do you need this per chat?

  41. Deide

    So it can be disabled on larger chats and enabled on smaller, more intimate ones.

  42. lovetox

    thats already the case

  43. lovetox

    large chat = public

  44. kurion

    ``` MAIN_WIN_ACTIONS = [ # action name, variant type, enabled .... ('quote', 's', False), ```

  45. lovetox

    in public chats its off, in private groupchats its on

  46. kurion

    What does this "False" imply here?

  47. kurion

    this is in ``

  48. Deide

    Ah great, apologies for my ignorance

  49. lovetox

    kurion, that its disabled by default

  50. kurion

    lovetox: Thanks.

  51. lovetox

    seems the quote action is only enabled if you are conntected to the server

  52. cal0pteryx

    yup, because otherwise you would paste text in a disabled message input

  53. kurion

    I searched for 'quote' and got to see the line where it is enabled.

  54. kurion

    lovetox, cal0pteryx: nice thinking.

  55. kurion

    Suppose, I have went up and down in the ConversationView with Up/Down keys.

  56. kurion

    I need to make Gajim _remember_ the index of MessageRow I focused on when I last visited each chat.

  57. kurion

    so that I can press my `Ctrl+L` and immediately focus on the last message I focused on and read with the screen reader.

  58. kurion

    and then I can try to go down and see if I have any message left to read.

  59. kurion

    I am hoping I got my idea across.

  60. lovetox

    whats the question

  61. kurion

    What variable should I make use of to implement idea?

  62. kurion

    What variables should I make use of to implement idea?

  63. kurion

    What variables should I make use of to implement my idea?

  64. kurion

    And what files should I make changes to?

  65. lovetox

    Add a dict in ConversationsView, and on each focus change save the last state

  66. kurion

    how can I track when a MessageRow is selected? should I connect `row-selected` signal to my counter function?

  67. lovetox

    i doubt that this would trigger, except you activated that rows can be selected

  68. lovetox

    you probably need focus signal

  69. lovetox

    check the Gtk.Widget signals