Gajim - 2023-07-11

  1. alexjames

    I have cheogram and it suggested me to download this but I am unable to call phone numbers, only to text. Can someone help?

  2. EmleyMoor

    No, it's an IRC channel with many people in it

  3. fjklp

    but it's via a single bridge, right?

  4. 33777


  5. lovetox

    EmleyMoor: check the chat settings

  6. fjklp

    is it not possible to download more chat history after the first sync when joining a new chat?

  7. fjklp

    by changing the sync threshold

  8. fjklp

    I deleted chat history in an attempt to get it to download more

  9. fjklp

    tried restarting gajim

  10. fjklp

    it was set to 1 day, and it downloaded 1 day of history

  11. fjklp

    now I can't get it to download anything

  12. lovetox


  13. fjklp

    damn, too bad

  14. kurion

    I searched for ``

  15. kurion

    But having a hard time understanding how it works.

  16. kurion

    I commented out the code inside `if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_r:` block

  17. kurion

    and put `'quote', GLib.Variant('s', self.get_text()))`

  18. kurion

    but nothing happens when I press 'r'.

  19. kurion

    my code is here:

  20. kurion

  21. kurion


  22. lovetox

    Try app.quote

  23. lovetox

    Or win.quote

  24. EmleyMoor

    These "chat settings" to which you refer being where?

  25. kurion

    menu_items.append(( p_('Message row action', 'Quote…'), 'win.quote', text))

  26. kurion

    ``` menu_items.append(( p_('Message row action', 'Quote…'), 'win.quote', text)) ```

  27. kurion

    it is win.quote

  28. kurion

    it is `win.quote`

  29. kurion

    but `win` or `app.window` is not accessible from

  30. kurion

    Should I implement the `key-press-event` handling elsewhere?

  31. kurion

    I'm sure there's a legitimate reasoning behind having access to actions by using `win.`, `app.` prefixes. I guess, it reduces developer headache and helps modularize the codebase and is essential for a large codebase. But sadly, I do not seem to have a solid understanding of _how_s and _why_s of this kind of architecture (due to lack of experience with large OOP codebases, I guess). Could you please point to some resources that can be helpful or perhaps elaborate a little?

  32. kurion

    I'm sure there's a legitimate reasoning behind having access to actions by using `win.`, `app.` prefixes. I guess, it reduces developer headache and helps modularize the codebase and is essential for a large codebase. But sadly, I do not seem to have a solid understanding of _how_s and _why_s of this kind of architecture (due to lack of experience with large OOP codebases, I guess). Could you please point to some resources that can be helpful or perhaps, elaborate a little?

  33. kurion

    Thanks in advance.

  34. kurion

  35. lovetox

    win and app are prefixes that gtk needs

  36. lovetox

    it depends if a action registered for the whole application, or only for the current active window

  37. lovetox

    We decided to register it on the window, so the actions cannot be triggered when you are in a different window, for example preference window

  38. lovetox

    i dont understand what you mean by "app.window" is not available

  39. lovetox

    is this a question not regarding quoting?

  40. lovetox

    the app module can be importet with

  41. lovetox

    from gajim.common import app

  42. lovetox

    if you want to know more about actions

  43. lovetox

  44. lovetox

    its for gtk4, but i dont think anything has changed

  45. lovetox

    oh this is the old doc site

  46. lovetox

    they migrated here

  47. kurion

    > the app module can be importet with > from gajim.common import app this line is there in

  48. kurion

    but quoting action is in fact, `win.quote`

  49. kurion

    I guess I misunderstood the usage of `win.quote`.

  50. kurion

    I was trying `win.quote(........)`

  51. kurion

    But I need to use `'win.quote', .......)`

  52. kurion

    I just tried ``` if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_r:'win.quote', GLib.Variant('s', self.get_text())) ```

  53. kurion

    it didn't work.

  54. spacex123

    How to add a contact so that the other party can chat with the other party without verification?

  55. lissine

    your question is unclear.

  56. kurion

    If I have set a global proxy and don't bother with *Advanced Settings* when adding new accounts, will the new account respect the global proxy?

  57. lovetox

    it should yes

  58. lovetox

    kurion, try `app.window.activate_action('win.quote', GLib.Variant('s', self.get_text()))`

  59. lovetox

    kurion, try `app.window.activate_action('quote', GLib.Variant('s', self.get_text()))`

  60. mjk

    EmleyMoor: > These "chat settings" to which you refer being where? sandwich menu - Details - Settings

  61. EmleyMoor

    Not seeing anything useful there

  62. mjk

    'Notify on all messages'?

  63. EmleyMoor

    Not there

  64. mjk

    that's weird. are we looking at the same screen?

  65. EmleyMoor

    What's it next to?

  66. mjk

  67. mjk

    this is what I see for this chat's Details

  68. EmleyMoor

    It's there for XMPP groups like this, but not IRC channels like the offending...

  69. lovetox

    then its not recognized as groupchat

  70. mjk


  71. lovetox

    can you share the channel

  72. lovetox

    then we can join and see for ourself

  73. EmleyMoor

  74. EmleyMoor

    I agree, it's not the same as even other IRC channels

  75. mjk

    it gives me "This address is not reachable" in the start/join dialog

  76. EmleyMoor

    Even others on the same network. Of course, you need a gateway to access it through

  77. lovetox

    yes of course

  78. lovetox

    i just am not registered on libera

  79. EmleyMoor

    I've just told Gajim to "Forget" it. Will see what happens when I try again

  80. mjk

    > Even others on the same network. Of course, you need a gateway to access it through oh, lol, I didn't notice it's not a gateway'd jid

  81. lovetox

    EmleyMoor, works fine for me

  82. lovetox


  83. lovetox

    i see all settings

  84. lovetox

    what gateway do you use?

  85. mjk

    yeah, that would depend on the actual gateway server

  86. mjk

    yeah, that would depend on the specific gateway server

  87. EmleyMoor

    Unfortunately I've got a second instance I need to forget. A locally run biboumi

  88. lovetox

    damn sometime i really need get into improving irc support

  89. EmleyMoor

    Now apparently having trouble biboumi-side

  90. andrey.g

    If Gajim was offline for a little bit more than 7 days, it doesn't receive the Groupchat history of this GC. Instead only for the last 24 hours. This might be for privacy reasons, but I hope "last 7 days" could be configured as rounded up to "<8 days", so that if I close client on Sunday, 08:00 and open on the next Sunday, 22:00, I could still get the whole history without holes. seems already to be setup in a such way.

  91. lovetox

    andrey.g, you need to set a sync threshold in the groupchat settings

  92. lovetox

    yes for public MUCs it defaults to 24 hours

  93. andrey.g

    It was always infinite.

  94. andrey.g

    I have this issue only with this GC.

  95. lovetox

    really, maybe you can gather logs next time it happens

  96. lovetox

    then we can look what request was made

  97. lovetox

    and what was returned

  98. lovetox

    i would say this is maybe a server or archive bug

  99. andrey.g

    Would this be enough? <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="" type="set" id="fd03e832-664e-4818-a3bf-d816929b2d91"><query xmlns="urn:xmpp:mam:2" queryid="cd486f16-1c77-434b-ab6e-cf8d429ebd11"><x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit"><field type="hidden" var="FORM_TYPE"><value>urn:xmpp:mam:2</value></field></x><set xmlns=""><max>70</max><after>8919f9fa-20fc-40c8-8297-e46518e91803</after></set></query></iq> <iq to='MYJID@MYSERVER/gajim.P0UTV5AE' from='' type='error' id='fd03e832-664e-4818-a3bf-d816929b2d91'><error type='modify'><item-not-found xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>

  100. andrey.g

    The last message I had in history from 04.07.2023 was: [00:13:44] lovetox: yes there should be no problems

  101. andrey.g

    The query stanza was sent on: 11.07.2023 09:38:39.

  102. lovetox

    weird that the server answers with not found

  103. lovetox

    but the muc log website does also not work

  104. lovetox

    maybe something wrong with the archive

  105. lovetox

    i notified asterix, maybe he can look into it

  106. lovetox

    the stanza id is correct, i have this also in my database

  107. andrey.g

    OK, thanks!

  108. asterix is back

  109. asterix

    but only one week of logs :/

  110. lovetox

    Ok thanks

  111. lovetox

    andrey.g: so as suspected we lost the logs on the server

  112. asterix

    but I have no idea why!

  113. asterix : muc_log_expires_after = "1w"

  114. andrey.g

    It's a pity! Could it be due to: > muc_log_expires_after and muc_log_cleanup_interval work like the in mod_mam. Added in 0.11.3. If this is the default value > muc_log_expires_after = "1w" hopefully it could be increased a bit.

  115. asterix

    probably ! a recent upgrade probably modified that. I set it to 1y

  116. cal0pteryx

    it often feels like this room loses it's participants every backup-monday. might be related to archive missing?

  117. cal0pteryx

    it often feels like this room loses its participants every backup-monday. might be related to archive missing?

  118. asterix

    yes during backup, HD is too much used :/

  119. andrey.g

    asterix, thanks, that would be good.

  120. EmleyMoor

    At long last, fixed!

  121. fjklp

    > then its not recognized as groupchat this is what I suspected when I said > is this a 1 to 1 chat?