Gajim - 2023-07-08

  1. kurion

    Hi. code completion for pyGobject is not working for me in VSCode. I have `pygobject` and `pygobject-stubs` installed. Is there anything else I should install?

  2. kurion

    A few days ago, another person asked about completion here. But I cannot search that message due to only last few messages being shown in my client.

  3. lovetox

    code completion for what exactly

  4. lovetox

    pygobject is only for libs like GTK and GLib

  5. lovetox

    you may need to install python support plugins in vs code

  6. opal

    oh heres a real bug, when i "save as" an attachment in a chat, and a new message comes in, the file dialog closes on me

  7. kurion

    lovetox: yes I installed mspython

  8. kurion

    » code completion for what exactly Pressing Ctrl+space after `Gtk.Textview().` should show available methods of Textview class.

  9. fjklp

    > oh heres a real bug, when i "save as" an attachment in a chat, and a new message comes in, the file dialog closes on me it doesn't require an incoming message, it's random

  10. cal0pteryx

    kurion: works fine for me. did you restart VSCode afterwards?

  11. cal0pteryx

    (using the python extension and pylance)

  12. kurion

    > works fine for me. did you restart VSCode afterwards? yes, after installing pygobject-stubs

  13. jstein

    how can I delete a MUC as owner?

  14. lovetox

    Go to the muc settings one page has a bin symbol

  15. fjklp

    lol, I think I had looked for this before and couldn't figure it out

  16. fjklp

    I see the icon you refer to

  17. fjklp

    maybe it could use a text description next to it instead of the tooltip

  18. fjklp

    I think that would be good

  19. jstein

    fjklp, thank you that was well hidden

  20. fjklp

    I agree, I think we should slap a label on that icon

  21. fjklp

    maybe even make it red

  22. fjklp

    maybe even make the icon red

  23. cal0pteryx

    _We_ only need to open a merge request for that ;)

  24. fjklp

    I've wondered if little merge requests might be more annoying than useful compared to just requesting it

  25. jstein

    did the dependencies on libraries change between 1.7.3 and 1.8.0?

  26. lovetox

    Look at the changelog

  27. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: to me they are not. Especially if people recognize how easy contributing actually is :)

  28. 2256449879


  29. 2256449879


  30. cal0pteryx

    2256449879: english please

  31. 2256449879

    where is here

  32. 2256449879

    where am i

  33. 2256449879

    what this app use for

  34. 2256449879

    its the first time i try to use this

  35. 2256449879

  36. ☭Mike Yellow

    Oh my Lenin!

  37. ☭Mike Yellow

    Add me to contact!

  38. ☭Mike Yellow

    Why do you ask here?

  39. ☭Mike Yellow

    This app is not related to this room.

  40. ☭Mike Yellow

    That is our Conversations fork. Nevermind please.

  41. ☭Mike Yellow

    2256449879, xmpp:社会主义会议室

  42. qq2008


  43. opal

    > it doesn't require an incoming message, it's random odd fjklp that means i cant even offer to fix it :D

  44. sindrake

    I looked in the gajim database. In the past also the change of status got saved in the database. Is there an option to enable this again. I'm interested in the messeges with kind 0,3,5.

  45. sindrake

    I'm only interested in logging the data to the database. I'm not interested to view all data in gajim.

  46. lovetox


  47. Polarian

    Well more than one accounts is completely broken

  48. Polarian

    I cant block

  49. Polarian

    and getting messaged abuse

  50. sindrake

    lovetox: Would it be possible to add this again as an option in the ACE?

  51. lovetox

    not without a convincing user story

  52. ☭Mike Yellow

    How is the plugin “Anti Spam”, seems not working well?

  53. lovetox

    yeah its not very good

  54. ☭Mike Yellow

    Thank you.

  55. sindrake

    > not without a convincing user story I'm admin of a muc. I had in the past problems to conntact accounts with changing user names. I don't want to block accounts imideately. When accounts change their nickname it is really hard to track accounts I warned before. Therefore I tried to write a program which should keep an eye on changing nicknames.

  56. lovetox

    why do you bother with nicknames when you are an admin

  57. lovetox

    you can see the real address of the user

  58. sindrake

    lovetox: I can't see the jid from a message written a few days ago. When I click on the account it only shows So I can't check the jid afterwards. I also tried to enhance the spam detection. I think it would be helpful to log also status. I think that the status of a bot behaves different then the status of a real user.

  59. lovetox

    you are right, you cant currently see the real jid of a past message

  60. lovetox

    but this is a gap i intend to close with the next version

  61. lovetox

    if you have the real jid and can always get it, i see no reason for you to track nick changes

  62. lovetox

    but if i think about it, even that can be done better in the future

  63. lovetox

    with the next major version gajim will support occupant-id, and log it for every message, a occupant-id is a unique id assigned to a user, it does not change when the user changes nickname

  64. lovetox

    as we log it in the database for every message, it would be trivial to do a look up, give me all nicks recorded for a occupant-id

  65. sindrake

    > with the next major version gajim will support occupant-id, and log it for every message, a occupant-id is a unique id assigned to a user, it does not change when the user changes nickname Nice. What about logging the status to enhance spam detection? My idea was to calculate the probability for spam by using the time between joining and the first message (normally spam accounts post imideatly a message), the message itself, the Client, the time beeing online (mobile devices have more disconnects compared to a bot) and maybe a few more parameters.

  66. lovetox

    why not do this on the server?

  67. lovetox

    but it doesnt matter what you do, you will never catch someone joining from a unknown account a simply posting a spam message

  68. lovetox

    or what i mean is preventing the spam message

  69. lovetox

    but you have message moderation, and you can ban people

  70. lovetox

    and if it gets to much work you can always set your channel moderated

  71. sindrake

    I don't like to set my channel to moderated, but I want to check weather a person tries to rejoin with a new account. Its more about detecting people I blocked before then preventing obvious spam.

  72. shodan

    Make new account do email verification before they can post. That's going to discourage some legit users but oh well Another thing you can go is pipe all messages to a FALCON40B instance and ask it "Is this user spamming" if it says yes, autoban