Gajim - 2023-07-07

  1. ☭Mike Yellow

    An user told me it can not use Gajim on Microsoft Windows 11, is that normal?

  2. cal0pteryx

    ☭Mike Yellow: that's false info

  3. cal0pteryx

    Gajim works fine on win11

  4. ☭Mike Yellow

    Yes. This user told it can not use dino too, I am sure it is his own problem now. Nevermind.

  5. ☭Mike Yellow

    Yes. This user told me it can not use dino too, I am sure it is his own problem now. Nevermind.

  6. casper

    When I open gajim, it shows the number of unread message count in the left hand pane, but when I click the group, it immediately goes to the end last message without letting me read those undread messages. What's the use of showing the unread message count if it won't let me read those messages and let me scroll to the end if and when I want to?

  7. hannibal

    casper: known issue

  8. casper

    > casper: known issue Known issue with which app? Signal?

  9. hannibal


  10. casper

    oh, so it is not being worked on?

  11. mjk

    casper: yes, is one step

  12. casper

    mjk, thanks

  13. casper

    Another thing, when Gajim is minimized to the tray and later, when I want to reopen it from the tray, there's no such option to open it by left/right clicking the tray icon. If I click on the usual Gajim icon to start it, it doesn't start unless I close/quit the tray gajim. And if I quit the tray gajim, it says that I'll still have messages unread. Is this bug also being worked upon, mjk?

  14. mjk

    casper: no idea, I'm not all-knowing :P

  15. mjk

    what I do know is there's an ACE option to enable left-clicking on the tray icon

  16. mjk

    `use_libappindicator` = False

  17. opal

    yo wtf i didnt know the attachment button opened up an imgur dialog box for me now

  18. opal

    extra clicks are so nice

  19. opal

    brb settings

  20. opal

    nope its 2023 we dont config stuff

  21. opal


  22. opal

    (im not complaining about half the shit gutted from gajim lol the settings were a mess before)

  23. opal

    oh it supports multiple file uploads... which half of us are never gonna use i take it

  24. opal

    like the workspace feature :)

  25. shodan

    About workspaces, for me when I switch to another workspace and come back, it takes you out of your current chat and re-opens the chat window. I initially thought the point of the workspace was to make switching between chat windows seamless, but that doesn't work, so for me it ends up being an extra column with a single workspace that never does anything but take up screen real estate. I don't really get what workspace currently do ? Switch between multiple accounts ?

  26. shodan

    Also, wrote about my XMPP experience in the last year in a lemmy thread about how "google killed xmpp so don't let facebook touch the metaverse"

  27. shodan

  28. lovetox

    it does not take space, the layout would not change if the little square would be not there

  29. lovetox

    workspaces are a way to organize chats

  30. lovetox

    some people want to separate chats per account or context, like work, or groupchats

  31. xyodelx

    XMPP/OMEMO > RocketChat/OTR/Matrix

  32. lovetox

    if you dont have any use for that, simply ignore it

  33. lovetox

    its in essence a power user feature

  34. xyodelx

    I really do hate Element. That app is glitchy and barely functional. It's basically Discord, but even bigger blostware to Discord.

  35. shodan

    I have never tried matrix, I am sunked-costed to my XMPP learning efforts, I don't want to learn a new sets of problem for now.

  36. shodan

    Regarding the workspace/chatlist, here is an illustration of my problem with it. The space workspace are using could me my chatlist itself

  37. shodan

  38. lovetox

    its not workspaces that dont allow that design

  39. lovetox

    you basically want a minimal view because you use 5 chats and thats it

  40. lovetox

    but its too much work to maintain 2 designs with different requirements

  41. lovetox

    making sure that everything still works in 2 designs

  42. shodan

    If only one thing, switching between workspace, should not "exit chat back to chatlist" I would imagine a minimalist chatlist could be scrollable to have arbitraty number of chats The top icon on this column could be a toggle between workspaces and chatlist. The "status" icon at the top, could be right clicked and you choose your workspace in a context menu As for it being a lot of work, I hear ya, it's true

  43. lovetox

    if you mean that no chat is selected in the new workspace

  44. lovetox

    why would it? should gajim select one at random?

  45. lovetox

    why would that be the one you want to read?

  46. shodan

  47. shodan

    I mean, when you have a chat open, you go to another workspace, Then you come back to the first workspace, you chat is now closed and you are back in the chatlist

  48. lovetox

    so what you want is a shortcut to jump back to your last chat?

  49. lovetox

    sounds fair

  50. shodan

    So gajim should remember the currently opened chat in the current workspace and open that then you go back to that workspace

  51. lovetox

    but thats not what you always want

  52. lovetox

    opening a chat has consequences

  53. shodan

    If it's not what I want, then I would open the chatlist, but in my case, 99% of the time, I would like to go back to the chat I was in

  54. lovetox

    a chat is marked as read, your contact is notified that you read the chat

  55. lovetox

    the notifications for this chat are gone

  56. lovetox

    and now you thining, fuck i didnt want to have this marked as read, actually i have no time to read this now

  57. lovetox

    but now my contact thinks i have read it

  58. fjklp

    are there plans to fix the read/unread state of chats so that we start a chat at last unread message?

  59. lovetox

    but jumping back to your last chat, with some hotkey, is a nice feature i can get behind

  60. shodan

    Well, if I had the workspace opened on that chat, then I opened another workspace I had not closed the previous workspace nor the chat explicitely, I would assumed that I "always was in that chat" and it was still marking my messages as read

  61. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: there is a merge request already. But it needs more work and priorities are different atm

  62. fjklp


  63. lovetox

    shodan, you think we mark chats as read, even though you can not see them, this would make no sense

  64. lovetox

    and of course we dont do this

  65. lovetox

    a workspace cannot be closed

  66. lovetox

    it cannot be openend

  67. shodan

    And in my case, to get the view as I illustrated above I would create one workspace with each one chat in it, and basically never use the chatlist itself, I would be using the workspace list as a chatlist

  68. lovetox

    you can only switch to another chat, and that other chat might be in a different workspace, then you can click to show chats in that workspace

  69. shodan

    I would be fine with my presence marking all messages as seen as soon as they are on screen, whatever the action on my part

  70. lovetox

    yeah, you are trying to make gajim smaller, taking less space

  71. lovetox

    but no, workspaces are not chats

  72. shodan

    > you can only switch to another chat, and that other chat might be in a different workspace, then you can click to show chats in that workspace That is my UI problem, I am opening and closing the chatlist every time I change interlocutor

  73. shodan

    every single time

  74. lovetox

    its nota problem with workspaces

  75. lovetox

    you dont need to use workspaces

  76. cal0pteryx

    shodan: keep the chatlist open and use a singe workspace

  77. lovetox

    you want gajim smaller, and think you can hide the chatlist and use workspaces to switch chat

  78. shodan

    This is all the space I have for gajim When the chatlist is open, I cannot see the chat

  79. shodan

  80. shodan

    Other than that, this size works great as an IM client

  81. lovetox

    Yeah, i doubt that, i rather think, you want to not give Gajim more place

  82. lovetox

    Yeah sorry, running gajim with all features in a 300x300 window is not a goal of our development

  83. cal0pteryx

    shodan: you can resize thr chatlist..

  84. lovetox

    i would recommend you find a way, to give the application more space

  85. shodan

    Unfortunately, even at minimum size, it is still too much

  86. fjklp

    shodan: Ctrl+R opens/closes chat list

  87. shodan

  88. cal0pteryx

    shodan: we developed gajim so it works on half a 1920px width, i.e. half a hull hd monitor's size. Everything below that is not intended usage

  89. cal0pteryx

    We already added a feature to hide the chatlist for people wotg width restrictions. And now there is you, using some 300x300 monitor constraint. That simply not what we develop against

  90. cal0pteryx

    Next, somebody with a smart phone screen portait mode comes along ;)

  91. lissine

    I bet that already happened :)

  92. cal0pteryx

    Sure :)

  93. shodan

    I understand, it is just sooo close to working In fact, it does work great, just for that one nit pick Here is my full "comms" monitor if you are curious

  94. shodan

  95. shodan

    And the setup as a whole

  96. shodan

  97. fjklp

    windows user detected, opinion dismissed

  98. lovetox

    i will think about how we can allow the chat list to be even smaller

  99. lovetox

    we probably would need to move notifications into the avatar or something

  100. lissine

    come on, you have 4 monitors

  101. fjklp

    cool setup

  102. lovetox

    5 , one is turned off

  103. fjklp

    if you don't mind saying, what kind of mouse and what is that lit up button thingy below the center monitor

  104. lovetox

    Gajim could be there in full screen :D

  105. fjklp


  106. cal0pteryx

    Erm... I can't take your request seriously anymore. Sorry

  107. fjklp

    now that you say that, one does wonder if we've been trolled

  108. lovetox

    if he presses the button, 3 extra monitors come down from the ceiling

  109. shodan

    @fjklp I swear I use linux on the backend ! But I cannot give up, everything/ditto/greenshot/fancyzones/(and my stuff just working when I need it)

  110. shodan

    mouse is mx 3 master, the button thing is a streamdeck (I don't use it much, don't like their software)

  111. shodan

    Anyway, like I said, it does work, it's just annoying to open/close the chatlist every time I switch. But I spend 90% of my time in just one chat of all my friends, only private messages require me to switch

  112. shodan

    Also, from my initial message I would like to have more emphasis on the other elements that I find XMPP lags behind in general reliably working notification (apple) Opengraph previews Message reaction/replies/retractions audio and video calls, personnal and conference, seamless experience make openGPG user friendly to use (smartcard private keys? proper two factor E2E ?) Do something innovative with presence (and reliable)

  113. lissine

    > make openGPG user friendly to use (smartcard private keys? proper two factor E2E ?) OMEMO is user friendly

  114. meson

    shodan: shouldn't Dino + libmobil work better for your set up / requirements?

  115. lovetox

    > Message reaction/replies/retractions We are working on that, it will land in one of the next versions

  116. shodan

    @lissine yes it is, however it does break server side history, which my users prefer over forward secrecy. So opengpg would be a better fit, especially if they can keep their decryption certificates on a removable security device such as a PKCS#11 smartcard or modern equivalent

  117. shodan

    @meson I have not heard of that before, My understanding is that on PC the apps just maintain the connection On android this works too without needing to use google GCM service push notification but on apple, long connections get terminated and you have to use apple apns for push notification, which require an API key and your server on the apple app store I'm using siskin for apple users, apparently I could use the siskin relay, if I changed my backend from ejabberd to "tigase" but I had not the fortitude to uproot everything again

  118. shodan

    especially not for apple users !

  119. shodan

    @lovetox that's great ! I think for normal users this is what they miss the most. Me, I actually want opengraph the most because bare URL's are so unappetizing

  120. lissine

    if using siskin, you should use tigase server or prosody + push notifications community modules or snikket

  121. lissine

    These servers have working push notifications with siskin

  122. shodan

    @lissine ok, but, that's so much work, I really wish server remained interoperable making ejabberd was already hitting my head to a brick wall for a whole weekend, I have no the energy to do it again

  123. shodan

    It does feel silly to message them on facebook "hey, I sent you something in xmpp that is too naughty for facebook"

  124. lissine

    well, monal has working push notifications with all servers, but a/v calls are still work in progress

  125. shodan

    @lissine thanks I'll tell the users to give it a try, I don't have apple products, I just asked them to search their app store and pick the most popular. It's worth a shot !

  126. lissine

    beware there are no audio/video calls for the moment

  127. shodan

    That's fine I have never made one of those work on xmpp. I thought that was more of a aspirational feature than something people actually use ?

  128. lissine

    They're currently broken on gajim, but work (mostly) fine on other clients

  129. lissine

    Dino has some issues sometimes

  130. opal

    > workspaces are a way to organize chats for the record i actually do use it to separate my MUCs from everything else, but i have other things to say about that kind of organisation (like how other clients e.g. conversations handle mucs). nothing really helpful to say at the moment though, but basically i had to find a use for it rather than it solving a problem in the first place for me

  131. opal

    > beware there are no audio/video calls for the moment the old code got completely gutted? makes sense since it seemed unmaintained for a while :D

  132. opal

    > beware there are no audio/video calls for the moment the code for old-style voice/video got completely gutted? makes sense since it seemed unmaintained for a while :D